Helmet - Security Shoulders - Security Chest - Katana Here's a couple pics of me (depending on what color)...
Well, I would tell you but I don't have Recon. lol Head: Recon Shoulders: Recon Chest: Recon Primary: White Secondary: Black Now don't say that I'm a n00b because I like Recon all the way. I just think it's awesome.
hmmm... i dunno exactly what my favorite is. but right now i seem to prefer: Head: Mark V Shoulders: Hyabusa Chest: Mark VI
I dont know the names of the armor, but i know i am wearing hayabusa head, and katana body. I think the shoulders are EOD or something like that
Head: Security Left Shoulder: Hayabusa/Security (Either Hayabusa or Security) Right Shoulder: Hayabusa/Security (Either Hayabusa or Security) Body: Hayabusa (I don't like the Katana)
Head: Mark V Left Shoulder: Security Right Shoulder: Scout Body: Katana EDIT: Primary color: Sapphire Secondary color: White Detail color: Red
This is the armour I use most of the time. The primary colour is usually white though. Elite-wise, I use Commando head and Ascetic shoulders and body, all white, with a red detail.
Actually, you can. Just press x > go to General Settings > go to Appearance > force color Black. EDIT: It works in Customs and Forge.
LOL u were wrong there secuity. Now on topic Helmet: EOD Shoulder left: Mark VI Shoulder right: Hayabusa Chest: CQB EDIT: Primary color: Brown secondary color: Gold Detail: orange Pic: