Ladies, Gentlemen, boys, girls and anything in between, i present.. ME!!!! OH (wild applause) Thank you thank you you're too kind, hai! My name is Jon. Filler I like going to movies, playing halo 3, eating small children and having a total psyche whenever i see an awesome map. The Violence Within was chosen because I thought it sounded cool and I was feeling particularly violent at the time. I am currently typing with my index finger on my right hand strapped to the middle finger on my left hand. Wait.. i mean the middle finger on my RIGHT hand. This is because I greensticked it making a bad catch in cricket. So I hope you all come to love me, like Jesus loves all of you. PS: Just kidding Jesus actually HATES you.
Oh well it's nice to see you on our forums. I hope you thoroughly enjoy yourself here. Just remember to read the rules and follow them or else you will get your ass infracted. Oh and I know Jesus hates me... I'm Jewish