I'm just going to pre-order the game. My birthday is the 25th February and as the game is released on the 27th February over here in England, it'll be in my hands within a couple of days. I won't rate the gameplay until I've played it. It looks imensely exciting to me though.
I doubt it, I might preorder the SCE as it comes with the Mythic maps for H3 and a Warthog with flames (If you preorder) and a wraith with flames (SCE Only) But I'm only really buying it for the maps as I'm not a great fan of RTS's, seems a bit much spending £50 for a map pack that will be on the marketplace for about £5 in a few months. :/
Pfft! NO! I'm not that much of a geek to queue up at 2am for a game, then queue up at the customer service desk for the shop I bought it from to take it back. Nah, Halo Wars will probably be too good to take back. I'll probably pre-order it from Play.com
I am gonna wait till sometime in the afternoon to get it. I have paid off my Limited edition, the game looks OK but I am not much of an RTS gamer. If I don't like it o well I still have the mythic maps, plus I didn't waste money since I used store credit.
Whoa! 1st of all its 12:00a.m 2nd of all, its freaking fun and exiicting jus chillen in front of a store in da middle of da night wit other random people, preferably in a plaza where there is lots of stores.
Hog-age Warthog is preorder only (they give you a code to download at the marketplace) and Wraith is for the Special Ed only.
I wish I could, but it's just too cold here. I do go to alot of 12:01 movies, though, and its a blast.
In England, where I live, we do not enjoy standing in lines in the cold and the rain in the middle of the night, queuing for a game. It could be fun in the summer, but it's the Winter, so yeah.
actually i pre ordered the LCE addition the other day and will get it the day it comes out I'm not getting midnight cause i would prob have school or just couldn't be bothered. ENSEMBLE WILL BE MISSED
I'd rather not stand in the 3 feet of snow waiting for the store to open, especially with the cold that I have. Now, if I was older I might, but right now no I wouldn't.
Hellz Yeah! I played the demo for like 3-4 hours yesterday. It was so EPIC!! Get the game at midnight is so fun to do. I remember going to the Halo 3 release at our Wally World. We got there at 9:30 and saw the line was empty. So me and my brother walked around for a while. We bought 2 bottles of Game Fuel each and a pack of 5 gum. Came home and played it until 5 in the mornin' This time it will be at Gamestop, get it, come home and play Halo Wars for 1-2 hours. Next I will play Assembly, find the skull, Orbital, find the skull, and then Sandbox skull, and then forge the rest of the time!
From the demo, the game doesn't really appeal to me. I guess I just don't like strategy games altogether so i wont be buying at all However I may buy it like two weeks after to get the new maps xD