anyone see the new digital ph33r video call Its a wonderful Live: Ep.1 and if you did.did you like it and do you think he brings up a good point..i think he does because like some people think hes like a god and such so funny..
yeah i played with him once..yes thanx for puting the video in there i dont know how to do that. :squirrel_wtf:
Poor Jon. Everytime I've played with him all of the other players (or atleast 90%) are going crazy about it. And I guarantee they all sent him friend requests. n00bs.
Hahaha... "Look at me! I have Recon! You think you're such a hotshot!" Hahahahaa... "How the crap are they playing? The controller is turned off..." "Which I am sure will be well recieved." Haha... this video is so funny because it is true.
The video was pretty hilarious, but it's a perfect depiction of LIVE. If only people where nicer and good spirited. As for poor Jon, sucks to be interfamous huh? LOL
hahaha, man that brown guy "hey guys, look at me guys, i have recon and im better thab yooooou, ......huuuuuurr......huuerrr." poor dude, must suck to be him on xbox live. Im curious, is digital ph33r3 a member of forge hub or something? i noticed on his arby and the chief videos he put forgehub on the credits.
o rly? thatd be cool if he was a member........i have a few ideas for shows for him haha jk jk.....or am i.
Wow you gotta feel sorry for him, I mean I get quite alot of random friend request but its nothing compared to the crap he must get.
Theres a new episode out, its very funny. [youtube][/youtube]