Halo Wars Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Deathtoll, do what I said. It works cause that is how the A.I. plays the game.
  2. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Same with me, and sweeney I am trying as I type this.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    well, sweeny's theories may work for the demo, but then your skills for real players are diminished when you get the real game. Real players will get around that and crush you.
  4. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Quite true, however, is that not what RTS is about? Know your enemies strategy and counter it.
  5. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Ok I have not been attacked yet, I have a supply pad reactor and a barracks. Should I roll out the spartans? lol
  6. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    Don't you need 2 reactors to access the airport? Instead of spending 1000 supplies(250 for first reactor, 750 for 2nd iirc) to even access the airport u could build 10 flamethrowers, which counter infantry. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure honor guard counts as infantry since they are organic.
  7. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Let's take a closer look at this.

    250(the cost of one hornet)x6+350(the cost of one heal)=1850.

    In a normal early Covenant Raid there would be what, like 7 Honor Guards and 1 prophet?

    7x150+500(cost of prophet)+500(beam firing)=2050

    Covenant does use more supplies, but I rather mass marines and take over Rebel side base and forerunner supply base.
  8. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Personally, I only use Spartans if I know the enemy is coming with some vehicles and I won't have time to create counter units. Spartans are good, but are not really effective against large amounts of units, and their limited numbers only further hinders this.

    EDIT: I forgot the 2nd Reactor, but yes. However, this gives me a head start on my Vultures. I'll already have about everything I need to start producing them. Also, note that the hornets top most units that the AI produces at that moment. So your are making him spend supplies in more ways than just using the Cleansing Beam. Also, I used to take over the two side areas, but that takes time. I make few unites, but powerful ones, which take alot of time. I'm not saying my strategy is the best, but I found it to work.
  9. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Well, you're going to need to build those 2 reactors anyway, so why not right at the beginning? Also the second reactor is only 500. And yes, flame-throwers do murder Honor Guards but the prophet would eat you up with a 1 second blast of his Cleansing super power.
  10. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Yea, for me the Spartans are kinda like monks from AoE 2. They convert the big guys(elephants) and can take on like 1 infantry effectively.
  11. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    What is the grunt upgrade after needler?
  12. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    WOW they sent in a shitload elites and eventually locust, no chance
  13. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    So far I've found that it is better to build at least 3 supply pads before you build one reactor, let alone two. If u make to reactors right off the bat you can build an airport, but you won't have nearly enough supplies to make a steady stream of hornets
  14. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Hmm.. I just read, as the game loaded a skirmish in the little info bar, that the Brute Leader gets Jet Pack brutes. There was more, but I didn't read it fast enough.
  15. RampaginFetus

    RampaginFetus Ancient
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    Yea, I noticed that earlier. Sounds pretty cool huh? Like half infantry-half air kinda things.
  16. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Best way to beat them on heroic is build 5 infranty 4 flamethrower 1 more hog + the one start with then upgrade to a gunner. Fend off their first atack then go to your resources fountain thing and take it over send 1 of your infrantry in there to get the free resources. upgrade to get vehicle depot. fend off next attack then take your expansion. Build tanks and spartans upgrading only marines and warthogs.
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Man, I love fully upgraded vultures man =D
    I just spent a game, where I got my ass handed to be, but managed to get 2 vultures and 2 scorpions out of the fray, and destroyed the unprotected enemy bases.
  18. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Yea I'll try that ASAP thanks man.

    That's good, I got 2 scarabs and a bunch of anti air and just plowed through the opposition. That is until the scarabs died, then they destroyed my base. :(
  19. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I need to find a strategy with flexibility... Its hard to stay on top of everything at once, especially scouting out the Cov. You can't really just look at the buildings cause they aren't very recognizably different.
  20. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    For me being Covi, I usually start w/ 2 supply, 1 hall, and the temple... this will allow a nice amount of resources and the ability to make jakels (very important units when fighting human AI since they mass marines). The temple allows the 1st jackel upg and the ability to make hunter (important to those pesky tanks and elephants). While these are being built I usually scavange for the boxes, then one the hall is constucted start massing jackels in order to prepare for the AI's 1st attack. The first few minutes of the game will just include you trying to survive the AIs attacks, but since he is so offensive you will slowly be gaining more resources. I eventually get a small standing army and go take the side base (which I build up with only supply buildings and a factory and hall). This will allow you to get the upperhand and overpower him with an excess amount of resources. I get an army of about 8-9 hunters and 11-12 jackels, this can pretty much keep the AI at bay for enough time to get your building destroying vehicle (sry, forgot the name). This meathod has worked for me multiple times on Heroic. Oh and also upg you jackels as soon as possible, you will want to advance an age in order to get snipers for them and better hunter ups as well. (Splatter also helps if your into ghosts)

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