I liked this map. I really did. It was freakin amazing. The forging damn near flawless, the look, all of it. I'll keep this brief since I have to do something but I did get a chance to play on this. It played well too, with your different section, my favorite being the narrow walkway dangling over an edge in back. I just honestly can't believe you colour coded all the boxes blue as well. Anyway, what I really wanted to say I really didn't like 6 players for KotH. I played a few rounds and really didn't think that was the right number. Maybe like 4, but wit six there was spawn killing, and you could never get good time in the hill. Maybe is was just our game, maybe not. I really liked Eliminatio on this though. Great fun it was. So thats pretty much all, this map is amazingly well forged, clean and even fun for an Avalanche map.
Maybe that's because I was kicking your booty. Here you can see that I enjoyed myself on KoTH. I got the most kills and hill time, by alot. It all depends on how you approach the map. It requires fast decision making and there aren't many variables in the map, so gameplay is very controlled.
when I looked at the 1st pic I was thinking to myself this map looks dumb. then I scrolled down and my jaw droped. The map looks amazing. The map looks like a map bungie made. this map needs to be added to match making. I hope it plays aswell as it looks cant wait for it to finnish dl
You aren't going to believe this dude, but we played this during TGIF! I was like "WTF, how did I miss this map!?" Nobody knew where Linubidix pulled it out of! We tried playing with like 10 people however... bad choice. I can see you getting Premium sometime shortly... Rusty Eagle was kicking our asses... sad face. We all thought your "Friend" still had the controller! 5/5 the only problems we ran into were probably caused by the amount of players we had, those were the spawns. This map proves to me that Corruption's maps could be better!
Oh my God, Val, you actually put this on here! I loved this map when you showed me, and I seriously think you are one of the best forgers on here. Also, I can't believe you put a pic of me in there. I'm the dude with the EOD popping 3 consecutive no-scopes through the window.
Landing Pad Review by RaBBiiTTT My eyes really widened and my jaw dropped when I was scrolling down looking at one of the most original and cleanest maps ever. I have played a couple of game on this map, and I assure you, I am very satisfied with what you have done. Gameplay Absolutely all types of games, even the 14 player FFA and the 6 player Elimination games that Linubidix mentioned were really fun and exciting because I myself was in those series of epic games as well. I discovered that the pad, the cliff side and the sniper room were the most occupied sections during a game. All the gametypes really fit the map, but I would like to see you include 2v2 CTF. Design I have never seen such a map like this. It's really one of a kind. This really does look like a default map made by Bungie. You are now known by me as the one of the most precise forgers around, those ramps and walls have no flaw in them whatsoever. Spawns The spawns were okay when I played it, but at the start, some people spawn together in the same room, which is not that good because the player did not even get settled with the game yet. Well, since I know now that you have updated your map for it to have better spawns, I don't see that as a problem anymore. Weapons All of the weapons really fit the map, but in your post, you could have included a list of all the weapons and equipment. The Sniper was not really a power house weapon on this map since it mostly focuses on close-quarters combat. So with that said, I recommend you remove the Sniper and maybe you could place a mauler in a section of your choice. Although the Sniper is useful in some cases... This is really one of those maps where, I believe, will never be forgotten on FH. You know what they say, "Feechure Nao". I mean it. 9.8/10
If he removes the Sniper, I can't live up to my name as the most infamous no-scoper on this map! No, I'm kidding, but I don't think the Sniper needs to be removed. I like the flow of it with the sniper. Besides, I think it's mainly there for KoTH, to snipe the players down in the middle.
This map reminds me of a Multiplayer map from Killzone 1, the Missle Silo map. Awesome map, because of how much interlock there is, I'm guessing it took you over 60 hours to make. 8/10
Its very simple but takes alot of time and patience. To get the boxes to stay the colour you want you need to place it, save and quit. When you come back the colour may have changed or stayed the same. The thing is that now, as long as you dont move it it will stay that colour. It takes alot of patience and is one of the most time consuming things because in my case you are interlocking it, save and quitting it and trying to colour code it all at the same time. Sometimes youll get the right colour but it wont have saved in the right place.
Played this yesterday in a test session and I was impressed. The build is very nice and the design is impeccable. I did have a few gripes however, they are simple fixes so here goes: Spawns: We played KOTH and right off the bat some of us spawned almost next to each other. In game we found ourselves spawning too close to each other and a few times some of us even spawned in the hill, enabling us to contest it right off the bat. A few respawn areas and a reshuffling of the points would be fairly easy and would help a lot. Weapons: This map would benefit from some serious dual wielding. Spikers and/or Plasma Rifles would be awesome here. To me the weapon selection seemed very....quiet. I wouldn't put too many Assault Rifles on this map since people tend to die a lot and there will always be plenty of them lying around on the ground. The sniper is nice since it is close quarters and acts almost like a shotgun. Also, a single Mauler might do nicely here to, but limit the clips to avoid camping. The only other thing I didn't like was the shield door. I have just grown to hate them in smaller maps since they tend to slow down gameplay and encourage people to hide behind them. But that is just personal preference. Overall, good stuff and with a few small tweaks you could have a nice little hit on your hands :0)
Amazing! I agree, but it is harder to make those really great spawns with a smaller battleground like this map. Overall: Aesthetics: The aesthetics are literally flawless in every way, and the fact that you color coded and interlocked in the sky is incredible. I Personally like all of the rooms, the observation being my least favorite and the sniper room being my most favorite, mainly because of the design and because i like sniping. Game play: As what of everybody has said. Spawns are an issue. Like i said in my first sentence, I know it is a little harder to place those perfect spawns on a small map but you could try to tweak them better for a v2. Slayer: Slayer was my overall favorite gametype on this map, You made it really good to no-scope. In fact, rusty started a party on friday and me, rusty, pfhorapfhobia, running chron, EFO Loco, and some other gamertag i cannot remember. Anyways i personally played great on 6 player ffa, i got some amazing assassinations by jumping over someone getting the backsmack, which you made the layout perfect for that. And waiting for people to come to me around the corner from the observation room to no scope them for a triple then a double (I'm not bragging, i'm just saying how well this map does and should play disregarding the spawn system). KOTH: This was fun, and i got a lot of kills on it, The way you made it play similar to Guardian was interesting having four different rooms around it: The observation, sniper, outside ledge, and the cargo room. And i Love guardian so, you get the point. This is honestly my favorite map on Avalanche, and if this does NOT get featured, i will literally go insane. Good job Val, i know that you are going to continue to blow our minds with your jaw-dropping maps in the future. A Definate 10/10!
I put the shield door there so as to force someone to come out form the observation room. I thought it would be too easy to hold down the pad by standing there and using the barriers as cover
This looks pretty sick. I really cant get a good idea of how the entire layout looks, but it still looks beautiful. I like that you made all the boxes the same color, that adds alot to the design. Even though I am not much into smaller maps like this, I think I will give it a download cuz it looks to have some fun gameplay, perhaps its big enough for 2v2 eh?
When we played KotH, we were playing with 6 people, which is probably what contributed to the rough spawning. I'd drop your recommended player amount on KotH to 5 players max. As for respawn areas, I'd break your map up into 4 equal quadrants. Since your map seems to be built for doubles, two enemy players can only be in two separate quadrants at a time. This should allow for a better spawn system. I also think this map could use a more diverse weapon set. Personally I'd cut the sniper rifle out of the map and replace it with a BR, it seems much more appropriate. I also believe this map needs some plasma rifles, it just seems appropriate with the blue theme of the map. The forging is really well done, and you've managed to use your resources very efficiently. There was only one area that looked a little bit off (I'm sure you know where I'm talking about), and I realize that you've pretty much run out of objects to build with. You could fill those small gaps with the energy blockers, and I don't think they would be too overpowering visually. The only other small bit of advice I can add (but not really that necessary) would be to add powerups into the walls of certain rooms for easier callouts. The center room wouldn't be necessary, nor the cliff, but the other rooms which are sometimes a little harder to distinguish from one another. Overall you have built a very, very impressive map (which also is well within budget). The construction and craft is smooth and the layout is well developed. If you can make a few small adjustments I think you have a real winner on your hands.
Well this is avalanche. The budget isnt a problem here as you can get all the construction objects without coming close to the budget. And i used every single one And unfortuanately you cant have plasma rifles on this map. The spawning on this map is the main problem. I have revisited to sort out the start spawns so everyone starts in different places. I have also made respawners in as equally space fashion as i can. This map is rather small. I think the best game type is 1v1. I do intend to have another stab at a similar map on sandbox, this time incorporating the amphitheater and several other ideas ive have. Hopefully ill be able to make a good medium sized map.
wow This sucks! I was trying to be the one that brought shock and awe to the world of forge on Avalanche! Haha, I'm soooooooooo impressed Val. It truely puts both my new maps Olympium and Cliffside to shame, and ya know what I LOVE IT! Seriously though I love this map to death. You are like the songbird for the forging generation. Considering my style of map making, I might just be one of the biggest fans of this map. It spits creativity and screams beauty. I recieved alot of good comments on my Avalanche maps, but along with the complements came insults. I couldnt find one person that responded negatively to your thread, if they did, they're just stupid. I'm going to go ahead and say this... This is the greatest map I've ever seen. Creating floating whole maps is a ton of fun. Olympium and Cliffside were just appitizers for what I'm cooking up next.. You have raised the bar for me and I love that, seriously. I found not a single problem worth writting on your reply list, its that good. Ok, I'm done praising it, but I just had to show my unmeasurable amount of facination of this map. I have one more beauty that I'm releasing just before sandbox takes the stage, and your more than welcome to view it before I post.. My Corruption account went silver, but I sent you a request on another account that Im useing for the time being. Congratulations once again, and please keep up the good work. CORRUPTION
Shameless self promotion much? lol. Anyways, yes it is true that we were playing with 6, so that may have made it a bit worse. However, you could eliminate any spawns that are placed within the Hill areas just to be on the safe side. I felt it played well with 6 on KOTH, I would definitely look into making it at least 5 as DTL said. Also, having never made a Competitive Avalanche map myself, I was unaware that Plasma Rifles were not an option. Change my initial recommendation to SMG/Spikers :0)