Vengence ok so about a month ago i waz going through forgehub and discovered a tut. on how 2 geomerge. This map ( Vengence ) is my first map using geomerge. hopefully i did it justice. -sidenote- started on this map friday around 11 p.m. finished on saturday round 3 p.m- nonestop forging. Download link: Vengence download link Youtube video of map: Vengence Video weapons 4 brs 2 carbines 2 brute shots 1 mauler 1 needler 2 spikers 2 plasma rifels 2 assault rilfles and 1 of each of the pistols i also have 1 ghost Equipment 2 bubble shields 1 reginerator 1 radar jammar 1 flare 1 invisibility 2 fire bombs Recommended Gametypes i set this map up for all gametypes but the only ones ive had a chance 2 play so far are one-sided flag and bomb, territories,koth, and a shotty snipe style of infection. they all seemed 2 work really well. also i recommend 2v2 - 3v3. it is able 2 hold 16 but i dont know about gameplay,how that would work. now for the pictures Angle 1 on snipertowers(they hold brs): Angle 2 on sniper towers: Main Central ground (angle 1): Main Central ground (Angle 2): Top section of middle ground: Attackers Base: Defenders base: Looking into the defenders base( notice the bridge over the hole in the middle- it drops down 2 another level thats were flag,bomb......exc. is): Tower and walkways (angle 1): Tower and walkways (angle 2): Backside of foundry were invis and ghost are located: Triangular structure (angle 1): Triangular structure (angle 2): Download link is at the top all comments and ratings are appreciated
is the really you frist geomerged map because it looks like youve been geomerging alot one small suggestion tho i would have interlocked the double box's in the first pic with the geomerged box. but theres no other minor faults. i like how you desigend the defenders base to have a bubker type system to protect the flag that looks like it will make the gameplay more fair. is the triangular structure there for the asthetics or does it provide and gamplay usage? also what purpose do the mancannons provide im not sure if you did or didnt but you should also try to geomerge the box's or whatever you happen to be using into the walls because you manage to keep everything nice and even that if you used this feature it would make you maps even more spectacular. so over all for creativness and neatness i give it a 4.5/5 great job
man, im jealous, i tried doin the same thing you did, look up the tutorial, and try to make a map with geomerging, and i just stopped, i dont have the patience to do it. which was the main form of geomerging that you used? i have never been able to do it very well, so i rarely do.
traingular structure waz 4 both aesthetics and cover mancannon's suppose 2 look like piping broke but o well boxes are merged into walls and yes that waz my first time...... thx 4 comment
i used 2 feel same way u did unpatient because i waz using double boxes as braces and i could never get it right so i gave up then i seen a tut on how 2 use teleporters as braces and they do an amazing job.
wow thats weird... i used double boxes as braces too.. then i finally found that tut also... it has allowed me to make maps i wouldnt have even dreamed of... although i never manage to finish them... o well... onto ur map... it looks like ur a pro at geomerging already! well there r a few minor problems but those could definately be fixed with a v2 i hope to dl soon
love the layout of the map . i escpecially like the what u call(main central ground). the only thing i can say is u might want 2 add spikers 2 ur weapon list. i seen them by the triangl structure
This map looks very good. The interlocking and merging looks perfect. The bases have a MLG feel to him and the overall look to the map is very good. 5/5
Ok you have my download. Hopefully your map has the layout to back up that beautiful forging of yours. And I'm confident it will. You most definitely have some structures I haven't seen before, with your clever use of walls as not only ramps but extended downward in a support fashion. I'm not too sure how the ghost will work out but it might. The triangular structure seems like it could provide and interesting vantage point but not too much that it is overpowered. Your weapons list looks fine but I have one major concern. Your equipment. From the list I can see radar jammer, fire bombs and even a flare. I haven't played it but from experience, flares, firebombs, and radar jammers are probably the three you don't want to put on Foundry. But I'll get back to you on all this after I have had time to actually play on it.
awesokme map i absolutely love it, you really put a lot of effort and time into this you should probaly explain what the man cannons do
wow as said before beautiful merging and interlocking nothing looks 2 overpowered and i hope 2 download and get back 2 u on gameplay
well i have always had fun from them i like the whole chaotic feel lol and confusin the hell outta ppl with the radar jammer originaly i put man cannons 2 look like pipping broke but o well
well i downloaded this and i have 2 say personally i think it plays amazing on ffa and one sided flag
thx i appreciate comment but u might want 2 edit post and make longer or just delet caz mod's will consider this spam i think maybe not
I'm interested, but also a little worried. This could possibly be absolutely amazing, or just another map full of forgetacular structures that look cool, but don't really function well together. Let's find out. Be back with a full review.
for any1 that couldnt get a feel of the map from the pics i have just posted a vid of it on youtube the link is in first post wit pics