
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by chronicsbest, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    toxic is a map desinged for multi team game play. ill explain the rest with pics

    This is the overviw as u can see its symetrical from all 4 derections

    this is the snipe spawn their one on each base but they have long respawns and only one clip thats only 4 shots so pick em wisely

    this is the center where all the action takes place there a shotty there.

    now theres a sword i made so the weapons never spawn at the same time so the flow of the map keeps changing the shotgun spawns at the begining and the sword spawns 90 second after the game starts.


    a side view of the base i had to use a shield door cause it was to open and a wall would block the stairs so it kinda sucks

    a pic from the center looking out

    bottom view theres some good stuff down there but its pretty dangous so be careful or u will end up dead

    now for everybody favorite part where i shut up just kidding but here a list of weapons and equipment (pw stand for plasma weapon0


    4 battle rifles 20 2

    1 shot gun 90 2

    1 sword 90 pw

    4 smg 30 2

    4 spikers 30 2

    4 magnums 30 2

    4 plasma pistols 30 pw

    4 plasma rifles 30 pw

    4 needlers 60 2

    4 carbiens 60 2

    4 maulers 45 1

    4 snipers 180 0

    4 sential beams 30 pw


    8 frag gernades 10

    8 plasma gernades 10

    8 spike gernades 10

    2 bubble shields 120

    2 regens 120

    1 camo 180

    1 overshield 180

    2 custom 180

    Senior Member

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    dang those upside down merged open boxes are catching on like wildfire. map looks good man, im gonna check it out.
  3. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    thanks man i looked at ur map its tight i got queud to download. as for the upside down open boxes i seen them on another map i wasnt gonna put any in but i though they would work good there.
  4. blamedraptor

    blamedraptor Ancient
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    this map looks great i downloaded and rated 5/5
  5. The Dew

    The Dew Ancient
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    Nice use of interlocking.
  6. Catmon

    Catmon Ancient
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    Cool map, I put it to download and gave it a five.
    It's awesome looking and it's a newer idea.

    Good job with the sword and shotgun spawns.
  7. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    thanks man well this is just an expiriment im gonna make a map where all the weapon switch between covanet and human weapons it be on my next map it gonna be one of my singnatures like my bullet prof window and now cov human weapon switching i just wanted to see how it would hold up

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    The pics look good. I'm gonna Dl and then come back with comments.
  9. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    The map looks O.K. good job on the interlocking.
    It seems that you may want to cut down on the amount of weapons and equipment on the map, from that list you gave us.

    And about your post, maybe I just like reading, but you may want to write a good old fashioned description and cut out that Weapon+Equipment chart.
    I'm just not really feeling the map there.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
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    I did a forge-through on this map yesterday and their are some things I like and some I don't.
    Hopefully this review will help you out in the future.

    - As stated in other comments, the upside-down open containers are a nice touch. I love how you used them to house the 4 snipers on the outside. It is a great place to shoot from while still being able to recharge your shields.
    - The low ammo and high-respawn in the outside snipers helps a lot with the gameplay. I was a little hesitant to hear that you had so many snipers, but I think you pulled off really well.
    - I like how you you seperated the top and the bottom of the map by the way you placed the weapons. (Intentionnaly or not! :p) The top is all about using the snipers and the BR's to get to the middle and grab the power weapons while the bottom has more duels. The bottom isn't really made for snipers or BR's so the smaller weapons and close-range of it almsot makes it look like two different maps entirely.

    - The center of the map is really bumpy. You may just want to go through and fix the multitude of bumps around your map.
    - You can jump out of the map really easily.
    - In my opinion, some of the spawns are in akward places. One specific example I remember is a spawn that is on the bottom near the mauler. The spawn is basically in a really small area and all you can see is a huge single container 3 inches from your face.
    - You could have spent a little more time on the outside wall, the walls aren't very neat in a few places.

    Suggestions and Other Comments:
    - I think a few changes could be made to the top center with the power weapons. I can see what you were trying to do with the window panels surrounding the circle, but they don't really provide that much cover at all. Instead of window panels you could use fence walls or barriers, depending on if you want cover or just effect. The windows just look a little awkward standing up right in the middle like you have them.
    - I'm not sure if I like the 3 weapons in one holder, but that is just my opinion. You never know what weapon you are going to end up picking up. I thought it was kind of annoying, but everyone is different.

    Your map has some great ideas but I think you could change a few things to bring out the potential it has. 3/5

    JASONYO Ancient
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    i really like the idea of the shotty and sword switching off, did u make it so u placed like 4 shots, and 4 swords, then have them never respawn and have the respawn time b like 30-60-120-180?
  12. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    thanks for the advice i will take it into consideration as for the sniper in the weapon holder it for only aysemtrical game types the sword and the shot gun dont appear in aysemetrical maps as for that bad spawn it was two easy to spawn kill so i put one there so u could have a chane to get an over shield or or came to beat them off ur base i know its bad but there wasnt any other spot that u coulnt be seen from thanks if u have any other helpful advice i would love to here it
  13. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    no i set it up so the shottgun appear at the start respawned at 90 and the sword dosent spawn at the begining and also has a spawn of 90 the only way they spawn at the same time is if some picks up the shottgun and is immedaly take out of play such as left sitting till it dissapers then it narrow the distane between the two spawns i spent alot of time playing with weapon spawn times on my next map im gonna make to where each human weapon keeps switching with its covant conterpart in similar fashion. thanks for the comment but in my opinion weapon placement and spawn rate are a important factor in any map but it think i pretty much got it mastered but im still having alot trouble with interlocking but a few more maps and i should be ontop of it
  14. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    the reason for all the weapons is their are 4 bases and i had to make them all even i made it for multi team when i play i make the customs a death trap that makes u weak and slow i know but i aint good with words if u have read any of my post u would be able to tell id confuse u more than i would explain it to u
  15. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    You shouldn't doube-post.. **SIGH**

    Just go back and modify your last post.. (Like I just did cuz I forgot to mention that) LOL
    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
  16. chronicsbest

    chronicsbest Ancient
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    what i only posted the map once but im gonna check and see if theres anouther one floating around out there
  17. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
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    No.. I meant you shouldnt put 2 replies on your thread back-to-back like you did before my previous comment. Just go to your last reply and click the [​IMG]Modify button to simply add to your last post. That way your map isn't

    unfairly being 'bumped' up to the top of the list.

    [​IMG]Ninja Monkey vanish* POOF!
  18. deathangle

    deathangle Ancient
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    ok so u hit the mushroom button got it

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