Base wars

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by InherentFlame, Feb 7, 2009.


is this map good?

  1. excellent nothing or very little could be changed will definately DL

    0 vote(s)
  2. good i might DL but could use some minor tweaks to improve (please message sugestions)

    0 vote(s)
  3. not rubbish but not worth DLing needs improvements (please message suggestions if possible)

    4 vote(s)
  4. rubbish not worth DLing seriously consider a V2

    0 vote(s)
  1. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    my first attempted slayer map/CTF map.

    Well this map is as i said for slayer and ctf and it could even be used for assault but we have not tested with this one yet. The map is split up into 2 main bases where you spawn and where your weapon bases are and a third one at the centre of the map where most of the fighting happens.

    weapons on the map:

    1 sniper
    1 beam rifle
    2 fuel rod guns
    1 rocket launcher
    4 battle rifles
    2 shotguns
    2 needlers
    2 brute shots
    2 plasma pistols
    1 energy sword
    1 convenant carbine
    2 maulers

    Grenades/equipment on the map:

    4 frag grenades
    12 plasma grenades
    4 spike grenades
    8 firebomb grenades
    2 bubble shields
    1 power drain
    2 regenerators
    2 overshields (one in every base)
    1 active camo

    no vehicles as they aren't needed.

    Now for the pictures:


    one of the bases this is the same for both sides as they are symetrical


    a view of the middle base and where the power drain is. The middle base is symetrical aswell except for on one side on the crates is a sniper and on the other a beam rifle


    a view of the base walls to prevent spawn killing with the sniper/beam rifle and also energy walls are used as doors as they also stop bullets


    a view of outside the base. There is plenty of places to hide but if you think of using that to spawn kill when they ome out of the door that won't always work as there is spawns dotted about outside the bases they aren't neutral.


    the beam rifle directly opposite this is the sniper


    the inside of the middle base. there is a energy sword near the back wall and a rocket launcher on the higher bits with a camo below it inside each of the white barricade sections is 1 mauler and 2 plasma grenades

    Some action shots:


    someone has just picked up the rocket and taken out the person after the sword


    the red team working together for the better


    the blue team have placed an excellent plasma grenade and stopped the red team meber from getting up to the rocket launcher by blowing up the fusion coils

    Right then that is it unfortunately for the screenshots the only way to see more of the map is by downloading.

    please leave suggestions for improvement and make them contructive

    The links:

    here is the link for the map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    and in case you want the rules that i use for slayer on this map: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    all i can say now is have fun!

  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    the idea is way to overdone and unoriginal and the map itself could use some work. the two middle singleboxes should either be interocked together or a double box should take its place. also the map is to openand it still looks possible to camp the shield doors for spawn killing. there nothing else i can really say so good luck on v2
  3. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well about the camping it is not that easy to do as at any time an opponent could spawn behind you are a sitting duck easily at risk if that happens.
    The map is not that open if you properly look at it as the boxes in front of the bases provide hiding spots and if you are on top of them good vantage points. I agree the middle base may be slightly open but that is where most of the fighting happens.
    well when we first made this map we ran out of money really easily in the making of it and then we didn't really think it was a problem which it ain't
  4. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    I agree with what pinohkio said. A very unoriginal concept, and it wasn't executed well either. It seems very open, sloppy, and I do believe that spawn killing would be a problem. I probably won't be able to download this at all. Don't have enough room.

    You should really consider making a v2 and take what we say and improve upon it. I'm rating this a 2/5 sorry.
  5. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    Wow WAY to many power weapons. And you shouldn't have to worry about spawn killing if you put spawns throughout the map. To many people do do these kinds of maps and this isnt the best forged one either.
  6. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    You guys are morons. you dont have to have interlocking and geomerging to make a good map.

    you are all flowing in the sea of comfority and cant seam to fight it.

    and dont judge a map by its pictures. you dont know anything about it unless you play it. you cant say anything about spawn killing. And you guys think it is sloppy just because there is not a lot of interlocking, well you guys are idiots. nothing is crooked and everything is even and percise so guys should just shut up and actually play the map.

    now the weapons like said before could use some work.
    -you should choose which sniper you want and make one for each team.
    -choose either rockets, feul rod, shotgun, or sword not all of them. you can have more then one just choose wisely and make they have low ammo.
    -you should choose on of the types of grenades besides the frags. not all of them
    -also choose one of the OS or Camo not both and dont have multiple if you want both
    -choose of of the equipments if you want more then one only have 2 and becareful which ones.
    -make the weapons spread out not have an weapons supply.
    -choose either the needler of the brute shot or only have one of each on the map

    i hoped this helped
  7. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thank you for once someone agrees with me that you don't need merging and interlocking.

    I will try do your improvements for v2
  8. MichMaster32

    MichMaster32 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map is very basic in design and it looks unfinished. you should build some more and it will be a sweet map.

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