What kind of headphones or speakers do you have? _________________________________________________ I own a pair of Sennheiser EH250's.
JVC surround sound for my Xbox, sounds great with the subwooooofer Logitech Speakers for my PC, really bass'y they are really good for £30 Ipod Headphones for my, ur, iPod. Best i can find for the comfort and quality.
I wear whatever the hell i can find really... Headphones are hard to find around the house and for me their in high demand.
i have these bose ones i got a long time ago but they sound better then any other ones ive had so im keeping them even though the headband part of them is like broken -_- i taped it together
Right now I'm using SONY earbuds right now for my Laptop to listen to my music while my mom is on the phone with my Grandma.
I have Sony headphones with customizable faceplates. They are out of ear style headphones. The best though would have to be the regular iPod headphones. They are small, come in a classy white, and include good sound quality.
I never really liked apple or sony, but that seems to be what everyone has. I love my sennheisers. They are sleek, and their sound quality is amazing.
I own a pair of Ultimate Ears UE-11 Pro headphones. These things are awesome because they block out any and all sound coming from the outside because, much like a hearing aid, they are custom fit for your ear. Perfect to wear in class if you don't feel like paying attention. Lol. Took me like four months of cleaning cottages at the beach to afford these things...
Are you serious? I remember reading Wired mag and they were talking about them. Apparently they were made custom for Van Halen or something. I dont know if I should belive you or not...
Who in the hell decides to spend 1150 on earphones? That's retarded. D: 30 dollars is already to much for me.
I have SkullCandy Headphones that are the BOMB! I take a train to work everyday and these headphones block out 99% of the noise that comes from the train, and or people on the train. I would recommend these to anyone who was looking for a good and affordable pair of headphones.
I use the ones that came with my 360 AND with my Xbox Live. (I got the big one that came in the box, not the subscription card.) Unfortunatly, the ones with my 360 broke so I'm glad that I had a spare. Roflcopter!
I'm sorry they annoy you, They work just fine for me. I'd rather spend $40 on headphones, then to spend $110 on headphones that are pretty much the same thing to me.. Not to mention they drown out the noise around me, And they fold up for easy storage when not in use. But to each there own man..