First National Bank of Halo Alpha 2: Fixes plus new content Credits go to Jimbodawg and Brewer Alpha 2 released fixes plus clean up tell me what you think more things will be cleaned up and fixed by beta. Some scenery to get more of a feel has been added plus sniper and sniper windows in buildings Tons more merged and interlocking. One more alpha before beta. What i need from you anything that should be removed or added, Tell me things that need fixing, need suggestions, where to put more spawns Try to glitch to places and tell me if you can then tell me how to fix. Try Gametype tell me how to make it better and tell me what to change in it. Next version will be released 1 weeks after this post so i can get more suggestions New Pictures Truck: Entrance: Sleeker Design: Improved Vault Doors: Wall to make game last longer: Loading and garbage disposial: New buildings: Vault: Map Gametype
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If it has it's own gametype, then it should be casual map. Don't repost this to the casual maps section. Simply contact a moderator and they should be able to move the post for you. Honestly, I don't get what your supposed to do. You need to post a better description for the map and how the gametype works with the map. If I hadn't check what gametype was on, I would've assumed this as an infection map.
please dont double post my good friend and also if this is the first national bank of halo, then hitler had a gay lover. the map looks good but it really lacks interlocking which can be found at this thread here. also you may want to look at geomerging here. all in all its an original idea that your friend had but YOU might want to clean it up, seeing as you posted it.
Remember this is an alpha i will be doing for interlocking and merging/geomerging plus this is my friends map his was one floor no blowing open the doors no vault doors and very easy to cheat on also i will get this moved to casual, Ok point of the map is to break down doors go down the stairs, or go towards the vault any other way break down the vault doors if nessacery then steal the flag and return the truck anyway possible. Plus more clean up!
this is kind of an unoriginal map but you added some very nice features, i like the truck alot its very creative and also all of the secrete passage ways in the house and all nice job 4/5 for unoriginality(kinda hard to beat)
Update on new map construction: Fixed some more glitches and bugs plus less ways to cheat slicker map new side doesnt look like crap anymore map should be ready for beta in 2 weeks! Please give more suggestions!
I think it could use a little help. the layout of the map, is a pretty good design i guess. But maybe if you interlocked , and maybe geomerged somethings, you could get some better results, and made your layout look better. 2/5, because it's not very original either
Lol, it seems that every Trainee says this. "Its really good, but it's really bad, needs interlocks and clean it up, 4.676/5." Come on bro... I like this map, it really reminds me of a bank and I like how you made it. Yes interlocking could have been used but I hate this thing going around forge that if a map isn't interlocked and geomerged it automatically sucks. That is really starting to get annoying.
i thinkk this was a great idea.. just wondering if on the side with that ladder thing, is there any way to fill up that seems like it needs something there.
Yes i will update soon i just got done with some cleaning and interlocking plus merging Updated the buildings I will realese alpha 2 tonight! Plus a improved gametype
Take a look for your self i updated the link to the new map and gametype plus new pics! Read what i wrote also. Also update on next build Improved elevator and side more scenery and weapons plus improved buildings Fixed one major design flaw plus made design of map thinner so please download the version released at the moment and give me suggestions for the final alpha.
oh thats a better idea , now there is no ladder thing....i still have to reead the new dscxription or w/e
Yes plese download the new version since that version has been realesed im still working on alpha 3 realese will be tonight or tommorow night so please download.
oh ok, i have to get on the xbox and remove some other maps, but i will def dl when i do that...and you might want to even out the stairs at the front entrance, its bugging me
Done will be released in next version of alpha. Plus attic added to building with secret surprise inside. Also some fixes plus cleaner map with some new places. One last thing pallets not over drop to make it more fun and unique and make match last about 5 seconds longer. This will all be released this week in last alpha. Update: Cleaned a little more, plus after clean i was able to add more weapons.