I can honestly say ive never seen anything like it or ever even thought of anything like it. And it looks extremley fun, i love it. 4.8/5
i like the idea a lot. Vice, Vorpal, and I all played with some other people. i was very impressed, but there are a lot of things you should change. 1. Give humans or the fish more overshields or give them poor camo. 2. Make a single fisherman who is invulnerable 3. Only give the fish 1 life 4. try to make a barrier or at least a warning around the part where you fall to your death. 5. block off the rocks where you can hide as a fish.
I really like this map my only problem as Phreakie stated was the right on the right you can hide behind so maybe a tele over there if you have room or possibly a crate not sure what the options are otherwise it was really fun and unique. Good work if a newer version would be update i would definitely consider putting this in my TGIF schedule.
Thanks for the ideas, but I have some questions. 1: In version .2 (I'm assuming you guys played .1), the fish have poor camo. (And then the Last Fish Swimming gets good camo.) 2: All of the fishermen are invulnerable, do you mean only make one of them invulnerable? 3: I actually tried this, but then when you infect someone they don't turn into a fisherman, they're just out of lives. 4 and 5: I like the idea, and I've tried putting barriers by the death boundaries, but they usually float away. I'll keep trying and see what I can do. Same goes for 5.
After playing this map last night, definitely lots of fun. We were playing with... I think it was four people, and even with just that small amount it was a blast. Probably a bunch more fun with more people, but it's a great concept that's pulled off nicely.
This is an interesting/original idea, but as other people have stated before I think the game might be better with only one fisherman throughout and there needs to be something which prevents players from camping behind the rocks. Possibly a gametype which promotes the fish to jump out of the water into a territory?
Updated with version three. The big things here are the anti-cheat and map changes, especially the two new powerups added to the game. Thanks for the ideas, Morphine, I'll definitely start testing what the game would be like with only one fisherman. Edit: On the anti-cheat notes, they work very well, and I'm not sure if they're water-tight (no pun intended), but I did my best with the little resources you're given with High Ground.
Wow, never thought of somethign like this.. the map is breakable i can tell from the pics, but thats hard to make NOT happen on a pre-DLC map. This concept looks good, pretty fun looking too! Gotta test this out?
Wow this sounds like a lot of fun. Perhaps we can squeeze this in tonight for TGIF??? I'm in Krazy Kumquats party, I'll have to ask him. Stalyun, it would be cool if you joined our party to play this with us, you being the creator and all.
I was making a map exactly like this a while back but I sorta just gave up because like the first post says it was quite boring for the fish. al though i used grenades instead of a sniper.
Funny pic at the begginning. Anyway, great idea for a mini-game. I would gladly play and dl, I just need some space.
Just released the final version. Enjoy, everyone. I'll add updated screenshots soon. Also, I <3 down-raters. Help this back up to a 5 star!
This still being my favorite creation I've ever made, I added it to the map database. I was on a hiatus, and came back recently. Enjoy! Database link.
No grenades, too bad there wasn't a way to change that, who doesn't go fishing with grenades? Anyway, looks fun, I do wish there was more for the fish to do. maybe you could give them lower gravity and have brute shots float in on the water, they could be like the violent fish in the mario games. (And I do know that weapons will float though the water out there, i've had experience with it.) Also, I can't tell from the pictures, do you have the point where you get killed out there marked off so we don't walk through it and die? because I know that is VERY annoying. Just some ideas, as for now, I'll give it a DL and play it with some friends, hope for a V2 though... EDIT: V...4? Didn't realized you had updated this previously. EDIT 2, Return Review: After a couple games, my friends and I only found it metiocre, as I suspected, the fish players were getting quite bored down there, and we kept getting thrown out of the water from some teleporter? I don't know what was up with that, but, it was literally pushing us back into the normal playable area. Not to mension I escaped (...just testing) the zombie area first try, and in my group of friends, if there is a minigame with a known escape/glitch/malfunction, it will be exploited. (unfortunetely) With some work, new features, and (wishful) better objects on High Ground (not your fault obviously), this would be a fun game, as for now, unfortunetly, I'm removing it from my hard drive.