Omni Created By: Baron Recommended Players: 6-8 Gametypes Supported: MLG Gametypes Utilising almost all of the Foundry playspace, Omni brings a refreshingly divided map layout to the Forger's favourite canvas. The central canyon, surrounded on either side by its towering walls which serve to obscure lines of sight between the two bases, houses both Rockets and the standard issue MLG Custom Powerup, one at either end. But fools rush in, and poor strategic choices in this area of the map will leave you at the mercy of opponents controlling the higher ground. Sporting a weapon and power-up contingent that will remind MLG players of a little ditty known as The Pit, Omni bears resemblance to this competitive giant in more ways than one. The long, sweeping gorges between each base and the central area also hark back to The Pit, and the opposing Sniper towers bring another flavour of nostalgia to the party. But Omni is far from a remake of The Pit, it's as much its own beast as any of the classic MLG arenas. The inspired use of the Foundry bases and back corridor serve to set this map above the 4 sided box in which so many MLG games solely reside, yet this is achieved without this area becoming an unwarranted focus point, but leaving it as a strategic push option which brings new life into the rest of the map. The central chasm, open from end to end once within the walls each side, further sets this map apart from its arguable spiritual brother, bringing the central ground control that has become so well known in MLG Foundry maps alongside Omni's already centrally divided feel. Baron has well and truly proved that Foundry MLG variants do not have to follow a solidly defined path of fast paced play and a decreased emphasis on set-up tactics, bringing the variety seen in other MLG playspaces into the realm of Forge, this is a must download for MLG fans and casual competitive players alike, a truly different piece of Forging. Download Omni Download MLG Gametype Variants View Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information
Canyon Congrats on the feature. I don't know how I missed this one. I love the canyon structure in the middle. Very unique and smoothly interlocked all the way around. I seriously hadn't seen this map before right now. Great use of the back bases, too. DLing.
Congrats, Baron. A feature from you was long overdue, and I'm really excited that it's come from this. Can't wait to see what Calibre has in store for us.
I am really glad this Got Featured Baron... Congrats and Don't stop since you got this one... Keep'em coming...
Agreed. We've seen many maps break the shell of MLG, but this one was done particularly well. Especially for a symmetric map.
I can't believe i let this MLG map go past me. Congrats on the feature Baron. I will write a full review once i get some games on it so if any1 wanna run some send a FR to DoTTii
This is definitely a feature worthy map! It's great. I love MLG CTF on this and CTF Swat is pretty fun too!
Hey i checked out the original map thread, and the "Wow" factor slid through my mind and I was going to download it, but something came up and I wasn't able to download it and try it out. Eventually I forgot about it, then I saw that it got featured, and i can not say that I am not surprised. I am not rating the map from just what I see but I see that the interlocking is perfect, and the structures put on this map are absolutely beautiful. Very Nice Job, Hopefully this time I will be able to test it out
Purely amazing. This doesnt look like the most difficult map to forge in the world, yet just form the screenshots you can tell the gameplay must be amazing. You did some amazing work on this map I have to say> Great asthetics and gameplay as far as I can tell from the screenshots. Congrats, I just DL'd.
WOW. Well I'm shocked that i've never seen it before! This looks so smooth and fun. Will DL when I can make space. 5/5
congrats on the feature this is an amazzing map, the interlocking is definately feature worthy and though i havent actually played omni, many people have talk about ts uniqueness and style.
hmmm. havent seen this map. its okay. dont really see too much color. kinda boring. needs more asthetics. meh. dont really see to manyt geomerges. kinda sloppy (like the wall in the last pic isnt level it the walkway) dont really know if it was a good choice for a feature.
I thought I had downloaded this but somehow I must have forgot to. Congratulations on the feature too Baron.
I DL'd this and it is awesome. I don't know what you're talking about not too many geomerges. There was a ridiculous (in a good way) amount of geomerging on this map and some of it was probably rather tedious (the boxes in the back hallway). This map is awesome and I'm glad to have it on my hard drive.
Congrats on your first feature, Baron. You well deserved it a lot. I found Omni to be a very interesting and unique MLG map seeing that it has a resemblance to The Pit and plays like no other MLG map out there. The gamplay was not really bad. We had some problems with the spawns, though, when we played it (me and some other people). This and all your maps always bring great BR practices and good gameplay. Hope to see more from you soon.
I've played lot's of customs on this map and it plays like the pit but has a different feel to it. Every game I played on here I had a blast. Congrats on the feature. The only thing I can think of is to move the snipers to a more noticeable spot, keep them in the same area though. Because me and a couple of my teammates didn't even know it was there until halfway through the match. There isn't any other thing I would change, all the interlocking is solid, no bumps......can't wait to see whats next from you, especially with the new sandbox map coming out : )