Heaven is Hell - AN UPDATED VERSION WITH NEW PICS - Before this map's creation, I was thinking of a concept much like Heaven and Hell. An upper level with a heavenly look to it, and some holes to drop down into the pit of Hell. But after halfway through this map's production, this map soon became something else. More of a two-level arena. The top flooring is VERY even. It may still be the slightest bit bumpy to run across, but not so bumpy that it causes you to hop or lose runspeed at random. The only areas that are at different elevation up there is the bridges which, how they were arranged, isn't so bad. I wanted to design a workable elevator system to get back up to the top floor, one that doesn't include powerups or dumpsters. Something that you can rush into and still shoot up to the top with no problem. Success! The design is so simple and user-friendly. There are four ways to get back up. Two "bunkers" on each end of the map on top, and a distinct arena feeling on both floors. It is impossible to get lost in here. Open spaces coupled with stairs and boxes jutting out allow for great longrange and shortrange battles. The gameplay is sublime, everywhere you go. Supported Gametypes For 2-6 players: Slayer (Team or FFA) Oddball (Team or FFA) CTF(Normal Two-flag) Assault(Two Bombs) King of the Hill (Team or FFA) Territories (Team or FFA) Weapons: 2 Assault Rifles with Max clips 6 Battle Rifles with Min clips 1 Sniper Rifle with Min clips 2 Needlers with Max clips 2 Maulers with Min clips 2 Machine Gun Turrets 1 Sword 1 Hammer Equipment: 4 Frag nades 4 Plasma nades 2 Spike nades 2 Regenerators 1 Camo Vehicles: 1 Ghost The following are some viewpoints from inside the map, which takes up just over half of the far end in the open area on Foundry. Bird's eye view of the top floor Bird's eye view of the bottom floor Showing the chutes you pop out of from the bottom floor This is the Ghost bay and Camo in the center area of the bottom floor Looking across from the Ghost bay, is a Hammer behind two window panes Another bottom floor view, showing two elevators Another bottom floor view Sniper tunnel Please Download and Comment! Tell me what you think of the pics too. Or add me my gamertag is Darkastic _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Here's the download link _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Heaven Is Hell
Ok nice theme to start from, but, just out of interest, what were some of the aesthetics you deleted? The top area seems to be a little sparse-there isn't enough cover there I reckon. The bottom floor looks alright but a couple of your pics aren't loading-the third and fourth ones. Some of your box walls aren't interlocked and would look much better if they were. In fact you could interlock the entire floor of the top floor if you have done so already to eliminate bumps. Overall this map is good, but can do with some work. I will d/l and check it out thoroughly.
The aesthetics I was hoping for was some geomerged walls diagonally jutting out of the ground, making stalagtites, err, stalagmites however you spell it. And a Hellforge with the Hammer resting on top. And just making it look rocky, uneven but on-purpose, and just Hellish on bottom. Hopefully I fixed those two pics. I think what it is was photobucket changed their IMG urls after I deleted something. And the box walls aren't interlocked because they barely fit across the map to cover everything and not leave bigger gaps, because I had no more budget left for more boxes to interlock over the gaps. However, the sniper tunnel is interlocked and you can't see a crack of light through it. Yeah hopefully those pictures are fixed, if not let me know, and thanks for the advice, noklu!
Yeah, if you can put in those aesthetics, they sound good. Also the third to last image still isn't loading.
I think its a good idea of a map but you lacked in interlocking and theres no geomerging from what I can see. Looks like a fun map to play and I will def download. Ill rate and edit once ive played the map
this map looks ok but you do lack in interlocking as elektra(danny) said... but ur design is pretty cool about the wings and stuff next map make there be more interlocking and some geomerging 3/5
well, you defineteley need some interlocking in your map, and you should also go through it and smooth out any bumps in it. I dont see why you reposted it, I dont see any difference screenshot wise but...
I'm not sure what you mean about reposting, but there are some updated things that 2 pictures dont show, minor things. Just that the Ghost was moved to the over side, and the sniper was moved into a tunnel, that's all. I did go through and lower the bridges up top, they made things a lot smoother.
I dont know why everyone is gettin after you about no geomerging. I really dont think geomerging would effect this gameplay that much on this map. Same goes for interlocking, but there are a few places where you could be running and a little gap might mess you up. And yes... the top is very sparse as someone said earlier. And try not to take your pics in forge next time, it looks a little better without the blue dots. Overall I think its a decent map.
Yeah I'd have to agree with you, the map gameplay and how its laid out seems more fitting for right-angled corners and such. I may not change much, but will definitely see what can be done for it. Ty for the tip on taking pics out of forge. I am new here and this is my first map and so far I'm really pleased with it
It looks ok. I honestly though would only give it a 3/5. There are too many things that could be straightened up. But apart from that, nice job. Work to a version 2.
i actually really like this map, the two floors are done really well in my opinion. I do have some criticism to throw in though. I think you should do something to distinguish heaven from hell and vice versa; somehow give the upper level some characteristics that could be associated with heaven, and the lower level characteristics of hell. For hell (just an idea) add a lot of explosive objects to make it seem more fiery. I also think the map is a little TOO open, although if you added more to it i'd leave the lower level open enough so the turret is useful. overall, in my personal opinion, i give this map a 3.5/5. Its a great idea, but it still needs some improvements.