me. 17 feels almost as good as 18. 18 would be much sweeter though (duh). So yea, no LIVE today Insane, or Kid, or zombeh! or Halostriker, or Vorpal, or AZN, or Tspuared, or Snipedown. Mostly because Im going to Dineyland. You see, the Shanon. He has no jurisdiction. He'll go to Disneyland, and SQUEEL! (with joy). Yea boy. just thought I'd let some of my colsest frends on here know. Although you already did Aaron (thnx). So yea, kthnxbye.
Happy Burfday Shannenna make sure to eat plenty before you ride something fast so you can puke on your mom when she is waiting for you
The name is Shanon. Not Shannenna, boyyyyyy, And no I didnt go with my mother. Rather, another close girl of mine.