The grav lift used too many resources, and led to more unpleasant experiences than pleasant ones, so it was removed. the Radar Jammer is a relatively new addition to the gameplay, but it makes for an interesting surprise attack.
As mentioned by several other people, this map is just a rework of 'you sank my battleship' with some minor changes. The most noticeable change other than the map would be that the gametype is no longer infection. What I enjoyed about the you sank my battleship map was the teams were random and it was one of the first times I had seem the infection gametype used in such a brillant team based way. While not having random teams doesn't really take away from the game play, I felt more of a responiblity to perform indivdiualy because everyone was scoring independantly. It would have been nice if you set the game up to also play an infection version of the gametype.
Like Devinish said, and many of us already know, this map was created BEFORE that was even released. Dev has been sitting on this thing for months. In battleship, youo have very little control over the game, and basically wait to be knocked off. It was boring, and often times extremely laggy with all the flying coils, leading to futile attempts with he sniper. That was a very unenjoyable game. This one takes some team strategy and planning, but one player can still dominate the game potentially (which caters to your want for the individual performance). In Cannon Fodder, players are much more involved with the outcome of the game than they ever were in the battleship game.
Even though he may have 'come up with the idea' well before the battleship idea was posted, there is no telling when the battleship idea was developed relative to it's posting time. So really you are just assuming this map was forged before hand. Not that it really matters, but you have to give credit to someone who is willing to put the time into finalizing their version. Weather or not you enjoy the game more or less is merely your personal opinion, I was just stating I respect the other version because of the fact it used an infection game type in an unconventional way and this map could be easily adapted to it with only a few spawn additions. It's just nice to have the opinion, clear not everyone has the same tastes.
Is this the game that you are referring to? It was released on August 13th 2008 Cannon Fodder was released on Ghosts of Onyx on June 30th 2008. So finalized version of this type of game goes to Dev. He has simply chose to wait until now to release it on FH. When it comes to maps, "ideas" are relative to the date the map was posted. There's simply no other way to prove who had the "idea" first. Either way they are actually two completely different maps IMO, sharing only the "throw stuff back and forth" gameplay.
That's fine like I stated in my previous post, it doesn't matter. I'm sure they both came up with the idea independently.
No problem, unfortunately some of the other colors don't seem so appreciative. I guess if I don't give mindless positive feed back, I am badgered unapologetically by certain people involved with this site.
You tried to downgrade his map by saying it was "just a rework of you sunk my battleship". We simply pointed out to you that this is not the case. How is that being unapologetically badgered? Either way, my thoughts on this map are mixed. I can see how some think it would be fun, but my experiences with it have been aggravating. I have never been a fan of Jenga tower, or any map in that vein. It certainly is a nice build and a nice concept, but I have personally never had much fun on maps where I am tasked with not falling of to live. This one adds another dimension by also adding in the explosive death factor, which is nice, but it's just not enough for me. It's all a matter of preference and the type of games you like to play, so Dev, don't take it personally, but my tastes aren't met with this game. Good job otherwise :0)