The first time i played Ratchet and Clack at my local dentist. I fell in love with that game right away.
Playing Donkey Kong 64 with an old friend way back in about kindergarten. That was one of the best games ever. I was scared to death of it.
oh and crash bandacoot was epic... i too would throw people off in super smash broes... and my babysitter had this amazing jungle game on the super nintendo, my brothers played it, but i still thought it looked awesome... and me and my brothers got our first video game system when our cousin gave us the super nintendo and i thought it was the most epic thing ever... and then n64 came and i played road rash a lot with friends, especially with my neighbor... the james bond series were shweet... then we got an xbox... halo ce was great cuz i mostly sucked at it and wanted to improve... then a friend would bring gamecube over and wed play spider man... then i got the 360 and i mostly play halo 3... and thats a wrap...
the first time i came upon the [first] licker in Resident Evil 2... or the nemesis in 3... he upset me pretty badly with his relentless asskicking.
In Halo 2, me and a bunch of other guys were playing a 4v4 Territories match on Headlong. It was modified, because we were bored, to have no shields and high damage resistance, but all Human weapons (ie Rockets, Snipers, Shotguns). Me and my team were trying to storm the building across from the bridge to the right of the coast. Because we knew there were a bunch of them camping on the second floor waiting for us to come in, I tried throwing grenades in. The first sticky grenade I had missed horribly, bounced below the window and hit the wall. Then me, with my itchy trigger finger, accidentally pressed the grenade button again and threw another sticky on a slightly lower trajectory. It fell to the ground. Right before it hit the ground, however, the first sticky exploded. The explosion of the sticky threw the second sticky back up into the air, into the second story window. It flew in and stuck onto some guy's head. He was standing next to another person. DOUBLE MOTHER ****IN KILL. Another time was on Zanzibar. We were doing a 4 player FFA, and I had gotten on the Gauss Warthog and drove to the back corner of the beach (by the spawns). If you knew me back in my H2 days, you'd want me in a turret or tank. I was godly with them. I could SNIPE a guy with a Gauss hog from one base of Coag to another. Incidentally, I can't use snipers, ever. Anyways, so long story short, I camped back there and got up to something like 34 kills before they managed to get their teamwork together and get a rocket guy to kill me.
Aliens Vs Predator was the first time a game scared me, I remember that much. The bleep bleep of the motion tracker and the noise the Aliens made scared the poop out of me when playing as a marine. Playing as the Predator was satisfying though, well, until the Aliens appeared in the later levels. God damn those Aliens! My first joyous game experience was when I played Sonic and Knuckles, I was just like "Wow, this game rules!" Then when I combined it with Sonic 3, I literally exploded! I don't think I played any other games for like a month, I just played Sonic 3 and Knuckles over and over and over. My favourite ever game though, the one that holds the fondest memories, was definitely Deus Ex. My god that game was phenominal! It had FPS, RPG, fantastic story, customisation, real characters, such depth and such incredible length. I think I literally played only that game for a whole year. Then I lost part of my soul when Deus Ex 2 was released, god what a waste of potential that game was. Deus Ex 3 better redeam itself!
I remember my first game was pokemon: crystal. I nearly freaked to death over that thing. I still think it belongs to be in the game hall of fame.
Mine was beating the level in gears of war 1 where you drive th car at night on insane. After an hour of playing with a friend we finally reached the last stretch on almost no health, came within a metre of the end and BOOM we died. Somehow though we made it to the next level, turning our sobs of frustration to yells of joy.