Don't mock my name. I love the swift finesse of every Energy Sword beat down, as opposed to those . . . brutish . . . hammers and melees. Anywho, I love Forging. Been surfing the Hub for quite a while, DL'ing maps and taking names (In the way that suggests I have not, in fact, been taking names.) I don't think myself a great Forger, I only hope one day some insane inspiration strikes me and I create my first true work of art. I feel I have merely dabbled in the subtleties of Forge. Here's hoping for divine inspiration. And to all the TL;DR. . . I apologize. Is it really so long?
Welcome to forgehub, read the rules first. I'm Y35 and.. And to all the TL;DR. . . I apologize. Is it really so long? Wtf does that mean?
^-^ TL;DR = Too Long; Didn't Read. I have a habit of rambling. When you spoke of me reading the rules, did I do something wrong? I did read the rules. . . I'd love some constructive/GET THAT CRAP OFF THE FORUM criticism, before I screw myself over.
Don't worry, that's a nice intro. Cool to see you live in Michigan, too, anywhere near Detroit (word, yo)? All I can say with making an awesome map is, well...not to be clitche, but...practice, practice, practice. Work on design skills, draw inspiration from other maps or games or parts of Halo, or even the outside world. AZN FTW is writing up some nice articles about that in the Forge Discussion arena. Also, practice your aesthetic techniques (interlocking, geomerging, the like), and when your ready, mix them together for UBER WIN SAUCE! Rawr! Uh, yeah. Starting to ramble myself. Welcome!
No, its just that alot of new members **** themselves over. You seem fine, but dont talk to insane, he's really a SHE
What, I like Zoey, OK? Way cooler than everyone else except the old guy in the green barrette, and Kidbomber always takes him
Oh Yeh well he admires me so much i doubt he knows who i am. Anyway Welcome to forgehub Make sure to follow the rules get to know everyone and most importantly have fun! I'm Mr Splatter Cause i got splattered when i was behind a wall yet it isn't my name lol Have fun and again Welcome
What have I begun? Thanks though, for elaborating. I think Insane scares me. However, I agree. BILL IS AMAZING. Yes.
I use Zoey too lol. Anyway welcome to forgehub En3rgy, have fun and don't worry - not all of FH is this crazy =]
I can only hope. But I won't. What's life if not crazy? I don't care about your answer! LIFE NEEDS CRAZY! *ahem*
Hey, welcome to ForgeHub. Don't spam too much, or get eaten by blue people, and you should be fine :lol: BTW, Watch out for Frag man, yomtvraps and Specopgrunt. They bite.