Tectonic MADE BY Cydronix & Blakbastud9 Tectonic (Teck-t-on-ick)is a "Sister" map to Cydronix's FFA Original, Radiation. It is an asymetrical map designed for, FFA Slayer, King of the Hill, Odball, and One-Flag. It has a man cannon tunnel in the center marked by an tele-arrow. The maps has 4 different floors and 5 Map Sections. It has a decent amount of Power weapons and Battle rifles. 2-8 Players FFA = Free for all Yes, I do know it is possible to get out of the map, so if you are the kind of person that sees people with guns running at you firing bullets then you can simply grenede jump out. (That was an exageration, You can get out of the map but It is very difficult). The map is very fun to play on. I suggest Odball or Slayer, others are, ok. have fun! WEAPONS Battle Rifle x3 Mauler x3 Shotgun x1 (Respawns 30 sec. No extra rounds) Carbine x2 Sniper x1 (150 sec. Respawn. 1 extra clip) Regenerator x2 Plasma Grenades x5 Frag Grenades x4 Closer look at Geo-Merged Grav Lift Attackers Spawn Area Geo-Merged/Interlocked Walkway Mancannon Route (once you touch the arrow you get shot to the second floor Bad View of Octagon Shaped Cave (Defenders Spawn) Geo-Merged Wire Spools Center Hallway (Bottom floor) Birds Eye View of Wall BR Tower (3rd Floor) Download Tectonic Please Download, Rate here and on Bungie.net! NOTE: I don't know if this is only for me, but Bungie.net has been acting up latley. Thanks! Sincerely, Cydronix & Blakbastud9 FAQs (Facts, Answers, Questions) Blakbastud9 Answers: The Wire Spools don't touch the fence box, and it does not make the game any more laggy than it is in any game on anymap. Cydronix Answers: The Sheild doors are for affect. They don't have to be there. It is just for Scenery. Cydronix Answers: Well it wouldn't make that much sense if you geo-merged just because you couldn't. Obviously, geo-merging was needed set the "Mood" in our Map. Brought to You by MLG Team Conspiracy! LOOK FORWARD FOR MORE POSTS BY CYDRONIX AND BLAKBASTUD9 TECTONIC V2 COMING SOON!
wow the interlocking, geomerging, athestics, and map layout is incredible. This is really good map making material. I really enjoied the Wall walkway and the gravlift geomerged. 5/5 epic win and dl
Geo-Merged Wire Spools are cool but wont they create lag in the game??? w/e over all this is a good map clean merging ,smooth walk ways, Geo merged Grav-lifts, why put a shield door over it when its already in the ground?? 5/5 for me, also can you get an over view of most of the map if you could.
To me, it just looks like a test to see what you were capable of making in forge. Don't get me wrong, it's a great map, but it just has that generic feel to it.
Good job. This map looks very well built. You did an amazing job on inter locking and geo-merging. I really like the walkway made of walls. Your aesthetics on this map are very good. Good Style. I will download later once I have room. Then I'll post her again!
VERY nice map. I like the arrow a lot. I can see that you spent time on the map. I really like how everything is smooth rather you change from walls to fence walls and tehre usually are those bumps. I don't see that on your map. Good Job. 4.5/5
your interlocking and geomerging is great but it doesnt really fit the map. It looks like you only geomerged because you could.
Heh, I meant to look at the bottom featured maps but instead I clicked yours. I didn't even notice that this wasn't a featured map until i backed out and saw it was newly added maps. I didn't at all question this as a featured map, the geomerging is great, some good looking asthetics, and the map has a nice mood to it. Great work. My only suggestion (take it or leave it) is to remove the shield doors around the grav lift. Great job, never know, might see this actually under the featured section sometime
This is a really good map, just like radiation. I did a forge-through, and I liked what I saw. Great interlocking and geo-merging, I love the geo-merged fence box and wire spools. My favorite part is the man cannon lift with the arrow. I think this map deserves a 5/5. Also, it took me forever to find the grav lift from the first pic, lol. It was really hard to find, even if it stands out so much once you actually look at it. Also, in the post I get the feeling that you're making it seem that only you forged the map. It says that you and blakbastud09 made the map and I know he had to do something (those are definately his walls, lol. There are tiny gaps in between them. XP). I only know this because I've forged with him before on Live and I'm good friends with him online.
Man I've been on forgehub for over just a week now, and I really love all the maps I see, but I need help on my own maps, so anyway its a great map. I wanna know how to do all that fancy merging and stuff, so if anyone could help, please msg me =]
I like that you're proud of your geomerging, that's a good thing in a forger. Theo only thing I would suggest is in the hallway with the fence walls, you should geomerge the fence ramp into the ground to prevent bumps. Other than that, looks great.