I don't care about the Recon, I want a 50 in this. I think everyone is right though about the Double kills, that's all I can really think of relating to 2's.
K Insane, if you can just lure them both in the center of Guardian, I think I can get a double kill every time. Anway, Double kills do sound like it. What first came o my mind was "Duals". Like SMGs,Spikers, etc. So then I combined the two. Most double kills with dual weapons. Pretty radical dont you think?
i'm pretty sure the goal i would set for myself is pretty obvious again: Most Assists over the Weekend!!! I know for a FACT last yr they did give recon for it, and i was shy of like 120 for third place Ill do it this year, tho!!
lol, TD double kill setups in the Japanese servers... I can see it already Btw, my gamertag is Double Kill... I should get something for that, lmao
Ahh....I remember that. Me and my friend managed to get 15's. We, along with many other online fans, assumed whoever got the highest level in the play list would be rewarded with recon. Under our theory, we obviously weren't going to get it, but many of our 'fortunate' friends had 40+ in it. We were shocked to realized we had been bamboozled, and wept. Though I managed to score a friend request on of the lucky recipiants, who is still on ym friends list to date. Two questions though. 1. Do we know if we'll have our previous levels, or are we starting fresh? 2. Are the categories known?
I will probably go in the playlist and try and earn the recon, but getting the highest double kills, double sticks, or anyting else, might be a little tough.
What about getting a 2 4 1 with a Spartan Laser or Sniper Rifle, it's related to the number "2", maybe that's a way to get Recon.
What about the most 2nd places? Lmao, that would be so funny if that was it. I think I might try it, haha.