I heard about this earlier, i thought it was funny when someone was all like "Yo, that guy that won all the medals in the Olympics, phelps or something like that, got caught smoking out of a huge red bong!"
He reminds me of that kid who parents love because he's a suck up to them, but when he's around kids, he acts like a ****. Psst, look at his teeth.
I heard about this at school, and the only real problem is that people look up to him as a role model. Other than that, he's just hurting himself.
How dumb can you get, though. I mean, you let someone take a picture of you? Obviously they are going to do something with it.
Michael Phelps Michael Phelps=Teenager Teenagers=Trouble Trouble=Normal He did something stupid who cares, people looked up to him, once again who cares, he made a mistake this story will eventually dissolve away
Hes still the bomb lol oh and weed is not regulated by the olympic commitees since its only illegal in the us and great brittain ;] Why do you think the jemacins run so fast? lol
Oh I thought he was younger than that for some reason, but anyway still people around that age make those kinds of mistakes I guess. People looked up to him and were disappointed what can I say, I am not shocked..
The fact of the matter is, the dude has multimillion dollar agreements with all kinds of companies from swim gear to cereal. He can't be ****in up like that.
You have to be a new kind of stupid to **** up that badly. Any half brained idiot could realize its an incredibly dumb idea to smoke pot when you're a multi gold medal winning Olympian. He deserves a kick straight to the balls, but I think all the money he's about to loose from his would-be sponsorships will do the trick.
My god, all you people. He's a normal person underneath, he obviously didn't smoke when he was training due to the fact that he's taken soooo many doping tests. Someone can't just have a good time for once? For ****s sake, it's his own personal life, he can do with it as he pleases. If you don't like it, go **** yourself, it's not like it's your life. And as for being a role model to kids, he shouldn't be. A role model shouldn't be someone famous. The only way he's a role model for my swim team is his professional career. What he does outside of that is completely up to him.
It affects no-one except himself. This is why The News of the World has a bad reputation, because they just ***** about famous people.
first hes a super saiyan, then hes smokin dope..(refer to my sig) but seriously, it's not like..a world issue..he smoked dope, who cares? i can go down the highway to detroit and find like..100s of guys who do the same thing..its his life and his choice
[theory]The thing of this is, when you're a kick ass olympic athlete, you spend most of your early life doing nothing but training. You kind of miss out on gaining social skills needed to not be a total douche **** up later in life (im not saying the weed is a **** up, but michael phelps is a douch irl, and his decision making may be a bit off). Then after your time to compete as an athelete is over, what do you have? absolutely nothing to go on. life = ****ed[/theory]
Yes, but that life choice involves illegal activity. If someone was murdering seals, that's his life choice, right? For all of you morons, no I'm not comparing smoking marijuana to murdering seals.