EPISODE 1 Distortion by BuddhaCrane Forge Lobby is a new machinima in which Doctor G33K(known as redearth among Forge-Hubbers) and I (diger44) will review popular maps, or take one of your maps that we like and promote them. We will try to do one at least every week or two. The videos will be posted among our You-Tube account, eventually to Machinima.com. Any map that we use, we ask permission via a PM, so no need to worry about any credit issues (*cough* "Halo 3 Forges" *cough*) -> CAST ----------- Camerman\Creator\Director: diger44 Host: Doctor G33K Co-Hosts: mental case 5 xSn1p3r Kr0pf1x (or something like that) ----------- YouTube - Distortion - Forge Lobby Episode 1 Click on the video to comment on it. WE NEED YOUR INPUT!
Glad I could help with this. If you watch please comment so we can make it better, this may have been one of our first tries, but we are working on improvements. Thanks for your time.
This is a great video. Anybody who is not from forgehub or has not seen distortion in bungie favorites will be well informed about the map and convinced to download it. Possibly make a forgehub thread with the database of all forge lobby maps. I can tell these are going to become really popular. Also what and when will your next video be. I was more than impressed with this one. I will be finishing my map soon so maybe I can submit it.
I appreciate that it provides the information, but to who ever is filming the map, here's an idea on editing to make to more presentable. I have no idea what editing software you have but here's how you got to do it. go into a match, record your friends talking about the map, move it to editing, remove the video from the audio, go into theater, and use the camera to gain a better feel for the map. Cut that videos audio, and then replace it with your friends talking. Also, cut out the random moments when they are talking. It makes the video unprofessional and unappealing. Not bad for a first time, but still extremely ameteur
Alright, I'm gonna work on my own. The only nice thing was the intro title but that was just an image. It was not much better than halo 3 forges because you guys were just screaming. Not to be a **** but I would not see another.
Hey nice to see that your first video has been released. I Like how distortion is your first one as well. BTW "you can forge whatever you like" lol Nice job, i cant wait for the next video to be released, know knows what map it will be about
I like the idea behind this (I almost did something like this of my own) and while it may be better executed than most, that isn't saying much. I like the banner you made, and some of the graphics, but overall this is pretty amateur with little production value. It does look much like Halo 3 Forges, and shares many similar characteristics. First and foremost, the voices. You guys aren't really the best narrators out their due to the fact that your a little young, and your voices clearly show that (Not nagging on you for it, I was at that age too). In addition, you recorded your audio within the game, which results in poor quality. So, since the voices may not be remedied, perhaps the quality could be. Therefore, I recommend buying a computer mic that you can plug into your computer, and download this free program called Audacity. Like I said, it's free and it's simple. You can do a lot with it, but predominately you will be able to record your voice right into, and since it is free everyone in your group could easily get it. Then just send over the audio files to your video editor, and your on your way. However, that will not fix the issues completely. Like I previously said, this is like Halo 3 Forges where you just run around the map and, well... be annoying. Nothing against you guys, but that is a big professional no no. So, what can you do? Well first off, the style of the show would need to change, but I'll get into more details later. For now, you should write out your narration of the map before hand so you know what you are going to say and fluidly. Now, you could write an entire script (I recommend CeltX as your script writing program, for it is free as well), but you probably won't need it. The thing to focus on is the Voice Over. Some tips on your voice over: First, I recommend video game review videos such as the ones IGN or X-Play do. You can learn alot about what to say there, as well as other cool and stylized techniques. After watching those, then what I will say next will make more sense. A big thing to keep in mind is to talk properly. That means none of this: Instead, something more like this: Okay, so mind **** might not be appropriate, or you may censor it. However, notice how I have clear sentence structure, like an English essay. Notice how it also has a flow in it, with breaths and breaks where periods and commas are, etc. When writing your V.O. (voice over) read it out loud to yourself constantly. If you are reading it, and repeatedly stumble on the same word and phrase, change it. And again, look at professional reviews, and study them, and you'll get a good understanding of what you should have. Now, a proper naration or V.O. is a good start, but if you want this to really pop, you'll need more. First off, do not be like Halo 3 Forge. Running around the map and talking may be easy, but it is unenjoyable for the audience. Now, it is hard to illustrate this without finding an example, but I'll try. You should play several games on the map anyway to get a good idea of what you are going to be talking about. Save those games, and then take some camera angles of the game, and first person shots as well. Do that, and combine the two together in combination with your improved V.O. and you are already on track of making this good. But you'll want more. Take some establishing shots of the map (Not just still cameras, but camera pans as well and what not; A still camera can be quite boring especially in something like this). Now, open up with such establishing shots, then show gameplay, and you are almost set. Now, do you have an issue with the map? Something you want to point out? Or maybe something you really like? Let's take this as an example. Say their is an annoying bump in a walk way, throwing your player upward. Well, go into a game by yourself, re-enact said issue, then film it in theater. That way, when you are talking about that annoying bump, you have footage to accompany it. And lastly, feel free to do what many people do in Halo 3 Machinima styled Tutorials, and through in shots of your character (Spartan, Elite, what ever), "talking". Bl00DF1R3's Forge School does a good job at effectively using this technique. Now, you should have a well formulated Voice Over, as well as plenty of footage composed of Gameplay, establishing, demonstration, and narrative shots, you are nearly complete. The only thing left (on a basic level) is adding some nice music to high light the intro and outtro, as well as some music that can go under your voice Over, so it doesn't sound so quite during breaks in speech. I recommend instrumental, or generally acceptable music. Not everyone likes rap, not everyone likes rock, etc. For something like this, any song from the Halo Soundtrack would work perfectly. Now, I could go into more details on how to make things nice, but this is good enough for now. I look forward to seeing the next one with the techniques applied, and if I see a great improvement, then I would be glad to show you some nice little bonuses and aesthetics to throw into your video.
Yeah, I know it is like halo 3 forges in the way we go around talking about the map and screaming. I have a loud voice, so it constantly sounds like I'm screaming some say. The voiceover thing might be a little harder, but it is possible and we're looking into it. And plus we just wanted to get something out there, and we have already started on scripts for maps. I must say in our defence however we, unlike halo 3 forges, do not go a map mindlessly saying butthole. This was probably our second worst or worst done, our next will be much better, and we will probably redo Eight emerlad legs, as it was not good at all. The point of this is to make as little mindless thoughts as possible, give credit, and just have a good time. We are going to improve though, so don't take this first impression heavily, the first few are going to be tests more of where we see if you guys liked it or not. The second will definately better. The third, well let's just say after Sniper Kropfi's gone from the videos for a while it will be a lot more fluent. Like I said, we are working on it, so keep giving suggestion. Oh, and thanks for the audacity idea.
Thanks for all the comments. We are aware of our semi-bad format, and redoing the whole layout to become the best "Forging Machimia" out there. We will now record voices separately using non-xbox live mics. It will be more in the format of a standard machinima, having our players represented by our spartans\elites.(are gay) More Info coming soon!
We're going to blow Halo 3 Forges away! They'll never get our maps first again from now on. Try and make a vid for every featured map here if you can, that way they won't have anything.