I got a dazzle capture card with pinnacle studio 12 last August. It worked until November, it got a blue screen every time I touched any button in the Studio 12. In January, it starts to work fine again. Now, once again... blue screen. I recorded fine, but when i clicked the edit video option it blue screened. it said this on the top Driver_Corrupted_MMpool Any Help?
Maybe you're computer can't handle it. If your driver is corrupted open up your compy and spray some dust off in thar. Just maybe, just maybe it will work.
Download this program called driver max, it finds updates for any drivers you have. I updated my screens driver lol even toughs its a laptop O.O lol...
Hmmm... That could be what that is.. I will have to look into that when I get home today from school. I will repost later on to tell you guys if that worked or not. Thanks pplz.
No problem. The problem could also be that youve fiddled with settings on your program, Ive heard their very fragile and if you do somethign wrong they can break fairly easy. It could also be that youve changed your xbox veiwing settings and (if im wrong correct me (Ive never actually used one)) on your program you still have the old settings to view?
I haven't fiddled with anything like that. It probably is just some Drivers need to be updated. Or I could dust out my laptops interior.