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So you open a map, someone joins and moves an interlocked box and the game autosaves. Brilliant. Just stop quitting without saving.
Amazing idea. We start a new round, because we are going to move an object, messup, and when we end the game, it's still messed up! Wow that's helpful. Same opinion as mallet.
Its really not all that difficult to save every time you merge somthing, or every 2 or 3 rounds. Honestly you don't need an autosave feature.
yeah, I'm gonna go with the guys. I've had too many a mishap where I was glad I didn't save. Autosave is only a good thing on campaigns that aren't overly variable(e.g. health, weapons, ammunition). Autosave + Forge = Royally pissing everyone off. Forger + Saving Responsibly = Happiness and hopefully good maps.
I don't really understand why people are voting no for this. If you're a forger, wouldn't you want something that improves Forge?
I think a better thing would be A warning that if you restart round the game will end.... or a round counter somewhere. Because auto save would be a big change as a useful tool like just information.
Basically as Mallet said what if you did something accidentally, for example moving an interlocked box, and it auto-saves. Well, I really dont think you wanted that to happen. The only thing I think that bungie should be working on is adding an undo button into forge.
That would be awesome, I hate having to back up more than a step or two. But how could they possibly do this? It would just be to complicated to implement.
No way dude. Any one could come into your game and just delete things and it would auto save... What if you accidentaly delete a very well geomerged thing that took hours to make, and it auto-saves on you. If you are making a good map with geo merging, you will have to save and quit anyways. So tell me, what is the point of autosave?
Yeah that auto-save thing would do more harm than help. If you are using any advanced forging methods (interlocking, geomerging) saving at a bad time could be disastrous, and things that you are holding would probably just get stuck when it saves. One little mistake that would usually result in having to restart the round, could mean total failure to an entire portion of a map. Terrible idea.
I think that if they just said "do you want to save before you quit" would be better then an auto save
I think "Are you sure you want to save without quitting?" would be the best idea. But seriously, just don't quit unless you save. It's not that hard.
imagine your nearly done with your budget glitch map, accidently delete something you need and its gone forever. Can't end game because of auto save. Your screwed.
I save after every move that I do, and if its something that could majorly screw up, I save as a new map. Theres no need for this if you have a good plan. I've quit without saving alot, and sometimes doing so actually made my map better.
10/10 Wait... wrong thread. =O Anyway, this cannot be done because it will infringe on our rights as forgers.