I like how you got the whole sig involved, what I mean by this is that the whole sig has something going on. I really like the black and white ones better but the cool colors you got in the other ones are very cool as well. I like the color you got for the sparks. Nice job
I love it! Great effects and awesome use of a Wireframe(Don't see those much) And I mean who doesn't like 24!
What can he add if you don't tell him. I'm loving it Diz, though I don't like the fact his whole body is near in the whole tag, maybe if it were bigger it would be better. Loving the use of Wireframes too.
Great sig, the wireframes are something I haven't seen before. Looks like a nice lighting in the colored one. You spelled Bauer wrong as well.
lol he ment too like rawr like a dinoo or boxxy. But Maybe a V2 but I think this should be in ur sig instead of Covert even though Covert is cool
Shatakai. I guess you can wear it. ;] I'll have to get to that tomorrow because my mom is being...yeah...
That's beautiful diz. Great work. That second sig.. is... um...not good. ;p. too... noobish i guess? Don't really know how to put it.
I was experimenting with textures and the colors weren't so great so I b&w'd it. It's just an experiment.