Legendary DLC Landing Pad

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Val, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Hey there forgehub, this is my first competitive map in almost a year so please go easy on me.


    Landing Pad is a small assymetric slayer map positioned over the cliff on avalanche. I made the map here to make use of the view that avalanche provides aswell as a natural barrier in gameplay. This map is built for 2/6 players and i wouldnt recomend going over that amount as it makes playing too hectic aswell as the possibility of spawn killing.
    Edit: Based on some feedback ive since revisited the map and placed some more even spawns which i hope should solve some problems.
    It supports the following gametypes:

    KOTH (i would personally recommend this one as the best)


    With sandbox being released in less than a month i think its safe to say that this will be my last map on avalanche. Avalanche is my favorite map to both play and forge on and has given me many great ideas over the past year aswell as plenty of space to work in. I wanted to give this map a good seeing off.
    So the idea behind this map came from all directions; mainly that of my helpful critics that never failed to point out that the boxes were all different colours and that my maps arent playable.
    So im here to remedy that.
    This map is made up of many ideas ive had over recent months that i never got to work. So i decided that i would take all the best bits and stick them all together in a dilicious soup of awesomeness.


    So heres the actual pad. This is the middle of the map and can be accessed from all directions. This is a very hectic area of the map and plays similar to the centre of guardian. Whilst not usually the focus point in slayer, this part is very fun for KOTH.
    Oh and yes, the boxes are blue.


    Leading off from the cliff side of the pad is the Outer walkway. I wanted this area to by excellent for long range. The natural barrier of the cliff can be easy to fall off though so watch your step.


    Going one way down the path youll find an entrance to the observation room, accessed by a short ramp.


    The observation room looks out over the pad. Originally this area was cut off by windows. Ive since decided to move these apart to try and open up the map.


    From the observation room you can gain access to the sniper room.


    This looks out over the pad and provides cover for sniping. A short ramp leads down to the cargo area. This ramp gives players a chance to assasinate any victim that enters from below. Luckily, i placed a power core to give the victim a chance if they remember to grenade it.


    The cargo area is a larger open room puctuated by crates to provide a bit of cover and high ground.


    And here's the entrance to the cargo area from the other end of the walkway.

    Action Shots

    Special thanks to the following testers:
    0x Red Steel x0
    JAC Overlord
    VIVA rycroft8
    JAC Deadeye
    0x AleX x0


    Download Landing Pad
    #1 Val, Feb 5, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2009
  2. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    My God.. this is amazing. It reminds me so much of Halo 1.. How does it play though?? Definitely a download from me. I'll get back to you after I play it!
  3. sSalvation

    sSalvation Ancient
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    wow man i you always make my jaw drop on everyone of your maps, I wish i was as good as you at forge.

    I'm going to download this and do a forgethrough and see how i like it.

    I hope to see even better maps on sandbox from you!
  4. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This looks fantastic! I would've gone insane color coding all those boxes. This map's aesthetics are great too, and i can't wait to walk around that awesome outer walkway.
  5. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Wow, looks amazing! DLed, I'll come back and tell you what I think after I play it and do a forge through. Maybe you could give us a few more pictures though. I can't really get a good feel for the map and what the layout looks like.
  6. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Go easy on you?! WTF. The first pic made me say, "Holy ****, this is on Avalanche?!". But then I realized that it was Val, and I said, "Lameeeee". No, but really. This looks even cooler than some of your recent Avalanche maps, and since you call it competitive, it will (most likely) play much better than your aesthetic maps. I'm downloading Halo Wars right now, but when it's done, I think I'm going to load up this map and then just drop my controller in awe.

    edit- ok no capitals. my browser restarted 3 times while trying to type this. this is one of the best avalanche maps i have seen to date. in my 3 man ffa the spawns were perfect and the gameplay was very fun. but the real star of the map is how you made it so playable but it looks so amazing. my favorite part of the map is how you are inside which looks beautiful and then you walk outside onto a ledge. it really feels like this map is completely different from avalanche. congrats on another amazing map
    #6 zeppelinboy777, Feb 5, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2009
  7. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    wow who ever said that people that make aesthetic maps suck at competitive. Looks like i lost a bet :( well any who it looks beautiful, can't wait to play juggernaut
    weapon list pl0x?
  8. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    its like a combination of so many maps. This reminds me especially of epitaph which i hate oh so much. And it reminds me of Sanctuary from Halo 2. Ima DL this map. It seems pretty decent in size. I didn't read the entire post, but what happens when u fall off the map. did u build it off the edge?
  9. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    this is really a great map!!! niiiiiiiiice job, looks like it'd take a long time and a lot off effort just to float all of that (and to float it straight too) the map designs looks really really cool how you put it all together all the rooms and stuff. it's really unique, and almost seems like it is it's own map too! nice job!
  10. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    god what a great map you really seemed to put soem good time into this and i got to say the qualities of this map are remarkable. the interlocking is incredible im just amazed. keep forging you are really good at making avalanche maps
  11. Joen@thanishere

    Joen@thanishere Ancient
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    how the heck did u make all the boxes one color!? please tell me!! but anyways this map looks very amazing when it comes to forge skills. it looks like it took quite a while. but with game play it looks like it would probably be prity fun, and it doesnt look too claustrophobic
  12. barc0de

    barc0de Ancient
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    I just played the halo wars demo - and didnt like it. This makes me sad because i wont buy it, which means I wont get to play the awesome stuff val comes up with on SandBox (for a while)
  13. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    WOW. I just LOVE avalanche! And I love it when people make great maps like this on it! Great job. I just can't find anything wrong with it from the pics. I will download this when I get space. 5/5
  14. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    That is a crazy map dude. This is probably the most original map I have seen since I don't even know when.

    I always love the enclosed avalanche maps, because nobody really even makes them.

    This looks great for FFA, 1v1, or 2v2.


    Gameplay:3/5- Didn't appeal as well as I thought, but still alright

    Originality:5/5- Like I said before, NOBODY EVER MAKES THESE KINDS OF MAPS NY MOAR!!!111
  15. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Val, it's HLG Amber Clad! I saw this under construction, and it was cool, but nowhere near as cool as this! Definite DL, keep maps like this coming!
  16. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    Oh my god... this is really great, i love the center stadium looking kinda thing and how u enter is, then i love the outside ridge, its so easy to fall off but still not to esy
    Perfect... Great job 5/5
    im defentely dl
  17. revenger 514

    revenger 514 Ancient
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    holy crap this is amazing ive gotta download this. it looks like theres a good amount of time put into this
  18. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    This is a sick map! deffinatly downloading 6/5 from me! I ws never really fond of maps on avalanch but u deffinatly just changed my mind!
  19. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Quite an outstanding map, you've outdone yourself now. I love this map even just from the pictures. Your avalanche maps are going out with quite a bang, this map exceptionally good and unique.

    Val for Premium!
  20. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
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    I would have to agree. Truth be told if it wasn't the fact that it was whitish I wouldn't be able to tell it was made on Avalanche, which is truly a remarkable feat. The interlocking looks fabulous and gameplay looks great. Defiantly worth a download.

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