ToiletI know this is old but people have been wondering why nobody has ever posted it here.Well zombies spawn here at the bottomAnd go up the reversed hole that pushes upwardAnd them get them plungers that are trying to take your mom to McDonalds.Here is the game : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Detailsis the maplink : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File DetailsI am so sorry can someone teach me how to size pics and all.
u might want to add more pics and give a better discription becuase its kind of hard to tell what ur map looks like
Umm what? If you want people to actually be able to download, you have to actually post the link to the download
1. Please make your images bigger 2. Please add more pictures 3. Add the actual author of this map...I know you didn't make it because I know the look of the name and its not a MLG one 4. Add a download link. 5. Add a better description.
Learn how to type (or talk). I can't understand what your saying, and even then, you didn't say more than a few sentences. Explain what the heck this is. Add more pictures, because right now you have two in basically the exact same area. Um... yeah it might be nice to have a link. So you didn't make this map either? Add the authors name! Read the map posting template here. (Copy and paste most of it) Map Posting Template - ForgeHub Halo Forums and the rules are in the top bar of the site.
I played this recently. Its a pretty cool minigame map idea, but this post is really terrible. The interlocking and the gameplay on the map is very good, but nobody will DL with this kind of post. You need to Enlargen your pictures, and write a better description, and maybe add some more piictures. For those of you who dont know , how you play is the zombies spawn below in a hall type of thing, (the fencewall area in the pictures) and they go onto a grav lift, which takes them up a hole, into a circlular room area. The room is a big circle, with a hole in the middle where the zombies come up. So pretty much the zombies come up the hole, where the humans camp and kill the zombies. Kinda fun, but please post better.
This is a joke, right? Don't spam anywhere on this site, especially not here. Give us DL links, more pics and a gametype description.
Ive seen this beore, the toilet thing, but seriosly, post a link to download it as well as a better description and pic size is bad. srry
What is the point of this? All I can figure is that it is maybe a toilet? WE NEED MORE PICS, MORE OF A DESCRIPTION, AND UNTIL THEN I WILL NOT BE DOWNLOADING THIS.
ive played on this before its a flat circle at the top which leads down through that hole. its fun for a while even though it doesnt sound like much
Any more comments regarding map post will be regarded as spam. If you feel so inclined to state the obvious to this kid, then PM or post a visitor's message on his/her profile. To the map poster, just read what these people have said. You should format the post better, and get more pics. However, you need to have a link to the actual map on your fileshare. You get 24 hours.
this map is really fun, you basically spawn in this circular room at the top.and then the zombies go up the drain and end up in the top room where you are,people can spawn kill tho...when i first dl ed the map i tried to forge it by adding some shield doors at the top to symbolize water and prevent spawn killing...(well not really spawn killing but easy zombie killing.)...its a good and fun mini game map, but u need quite a few least dl if you think it sucks