MLG Hexum By: A Punker This map is a "remake" of my map "Hexagon" but it is set with MLG Standards. The name I got is a from 311 lead vocalist Nick Hexum. It is a map that involves two bases and a mid ground of two hexagon shaped in the middles that act as types of partitions with catwalks that wrap and go through them, as well as have ways to go through them under the catwalks. I made it only with the intention of the hexagon ideas. The bases took 3 days of design before I was satisfied. Once I was done with everything this map took my budget straight down to the $0 marker. The map makes use of natural cover from the actual elements of the map rather than little various forms of cover everywhere. The only real places that have barrier type cover are in the bases. There are grav lifts(with instant respawn incase detonated) that will cause players to reach the catwalks or they can jump to them from the top level of the bases. It uses drop spawns for the weapons but not for the grenades on the map. Weapons On Map: Battle Rifle x4 (RT Max = 9) Carbine x6 (RT Max = 10) Sniper Rifle x2 Frag Grenade x8 (RT Max = 18, Min = 4) Plasma Grenade x8 (RT Max = 16, Min = 4) Games On Map: Team Slayer Capture the Flag (2 Flag) KOTH BASE SHOTS: FRONT VIEW: FRONT RIGHT VIEW: FRONT LEFT VIEW: BACK LEFT VIEW: BACK RIGHT VIEW: HEX CATWALK BASE LEFT GAP(perfect jump distance):*NOTE* THIS IS AN IMAGE FROM MY SLAYER VERSION SO THE MLG ONE DOES NOT HAVE THE REGENERATOR. HEXAGONS: HEXAGON SIDEVIEW: I hope everyone likes this map. *NOTE* This is my first MLG map so if I need to fix some things with the weapons or anything like that please comment and let me know so I can fix them. Please download, comment, and rate what you think of the map. Download MLG Hexum
This looks great, I love the bases and the centerpiece is unique, however from the pictures I can see a regenerator, no equiptment is allowed in an MLG map sorry, delete the equiptment and it should be fine.
He says that the pic is another version. In this map, he took off the regenerator. Ok dude. this map looks sick. Must have taken u forever. I would have no patience. This is a definate download for me. Qued.
is this a double post? ive seen this map before on forge hub? I commented the map on the thread and thought it was great. But im sure this is a double post, with the previous name of hex
I saw it too... like hexagon or something EDIT sorry i need to learn not to skip to the pics nevermind
Lol at the amount of people skipping to pics. Anyway, the map looks awesome. It looks really tall and imposing in some parts, and in others, it looks perfect for CQB fighting. Great job. 9/10.
WOW!! i love the structures and how they are layed out and all Great job 5/5 Is this a Double post cuz i think it is
I would like to suggest editing your threads with updated, or different gametype versions of the same map instead of posting it again. You might get an infraction for this. I don't know. They'll probably give you some slack because technically the weapons are changed, but just don't do it again.
This map looks really nice. The hexagons are a great aesthetic! This doesn't really seem like an MLG map because there aren't enough lines of sight (judging from pics), but it looks like a really neat slayer map. I will hopefully be back soon to edit this post once I have run some customs on it. EDIT: I would merge the grav-lifts under the map.
Hey this is a very good well built map that is very interesting and very fun to play on.It has great interlocing and merging and great weapon placement but the only thing thats bad is like that other guy said,it has a regenerator,take it out and it will make your map top notch,and try making it just a little bit neater on the merges,great map 5/5
i love the map it has a very unique layout and everything looks so smooth and interlocked, with some geo-merging too and evrything just seems perfect it mustive taken a while to do all of this so nice job
wasn't this map posted as hexagon? please put that in bold letters at the start of ur thread if so. kinda confusing. nvm, u did bold it. my bad
I'm just going to have to say this is the best most sickest MLG map i've ever seen! Everything is original and smooth. I will download as soon as I get space on my hard drive. 5.5
Proabably one of the most creative MLG maps I've seen. I love the overall design of the map, yet it still has that old competitive MLG feel to it. I looks like it would play well with all MLG variants, and is definitely a solid MLG map. Overall 9/10