four bridges of...

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by InherentFlame, Feb 5, 2009.


is it good?

  1. good excellent definately worth DLing

    1 vote(s)
  2. good could use some minor tweaks but will still DL

    1 vote(s)
  3. average need improvements and might DL

    3 vote(s)
  4. rubbish not worth DLing

    1 vote(s)
  1. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    Well i belive a good thing always comes with a good pitch and i think you agree. So here is my good pitch for a fabulus race map.

    The race consists of four bridges each with their own different features such as on the first one there is blockades, the second one has dropping fusion coils dropping every so often, the third bridge is rickety with pallets that could drop at any time and finally the forth one which has a complicated stair case to climb. The map may seem hard to navigate at first but in due course the map will become like second nature to you. The map also comes with an anti-cheat system in place at the start line and one at the VIP goal scoring point.
    This race has it's own game type for the best use. With this game type it is recommended to be a race with 4 people in and each person being a different colour so everyone is a vip and can get their laps counted as they cross the go to point or as a game varient you could have eight people with teams of two and the Vip driving and the second person using his/her plasma pistol to help the vip drive faster.


    this is the start line it has an anti cheat system in place to stop cheaters the thing to help you do the race will spawn afetr 30 seconds.


    this is the start line before the anti cheat system activates. (sorry no pictures of when it does activate but it does work i swear)


    this is the very first bridge as you can see it has an alternative route which requires you to navigate around some barrels


    this is the second bridge which has the falling fusion coils they will blow you away when they explode but if it puts you to near the forth map please be honest and drive back from the baricades near this bridge and go along the bridge again


    the third and most probably one of the hardest bridges to navigate across when you fall there is a chance that you may fall onto the corner which takes you to the lap end please be honest and go past the end of that bridge and slide through the gap between the stairs leading to the final bridge and the wall bridge.


    this is the final bridge it is a harmless one but the stairs are the problem can you survive the stairs if you fall of the stairs please use the same gap as which you used for the rickety bridge


    the stairs for the last bridge as you can see you can see the gap which you can come through for the rickety bridge if you fall off


    the final corner of the track sort of as it is connected to another corner : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details the map which yo can use : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details the suggested game type
  2. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    i agree spi ninja... also you should use like a double box or something to support the walls you build so they stand straight
  3. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    yes i agree with what you say it does look slightly sloppy but we did try our best imho
    and i have told him your replys and he says they r understandable
  4. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    this is okay i see some geomerging but no sign of interlocking
    the dood that said this is pathic thats a lie i v seen worse amp so clam down
    is probley thier first post but it s not the best map could be improver 2/5
    but keep foring thanks
  5. CC Pybus

    CC Pybus Ancient
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    You shouldn't just leave a post where you think the map is bad and not suggest any improvements, I agree the map is sloppy but it is not pathetic, look up how to geomerge and interlock and remake a version 2, make sure its unbreakable and you should have yourself a good racing map.
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    You're going to wind up with a lot of comments like the above if you dont:

    It's a really simple step that increases the look of your map 10 fold, if not more. That step could also be used to implement interlocking into your map, but with race maps, it's not always necessary.

    Great effort, keep forging, you'll get better, no worries.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Are you serious, quit spamming up this thread with your useless comments

    The map looks pretty cool, I say it has a hint of originality to it, but you could use some forging techniques to improve when the time to create a v2 comes around the corner

    Don't worry about it, you will get better
  8. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    This map could use some work because there isnt any interlocking and its a little to thin of a track, but i really like how u forge WITHOUT using interlocking 3/5.. nice job
  9. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    thank you for all of your comments without taking digs out of me.

    i will try and improve it for a v2

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    a standard rule that most racetrack makers go by is "double-wide". this is the lengthwise of a double box everywhere to fit 8 people racing. its hard when the track is as skinny as nicole richie
  11. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    i guess this is a nice little trak which seems pretty well built maybe add some interlocked and geo-merged stuff next time for you v2 if you make one
  12. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Well this is a sloppy map, and it DEFINITELY needs improvement, but it doesn't suck. I would highly suggest widening the track so that way people won't keep falling off all the time. Also if you don't know already how to interlock and geomerge for cleanliness and smoothness then check out the forging 101 section on the home page. I'm gonna rate it 3/5
  13. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    no interlocking its sloppy, and its single wide 2.5/10
  14. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
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    Well thank you for your comments we are taking all of these in and attempting a v2 it will be out shortly hopefully
  15. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Well, I personally am against single wide tracks because they cannot be considered racetracks and are hard to stay on. But since I judge without and bias. Good track. Could be neater. 3/5
  16. Velheka

    Velheka Ancient
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    Judging by the pictures it looks like a slightly annoying map... The fact that you have got be very careful when you reach the top floor considering it is so narrow, and no one likes loosing a game because of things like that. It also looks quite sloppy.

    I won't rate yet and will give ou some time to improve because this map has potential, so please add some interlocking, better track system, and maybe a few guard rails.
  17. Wolverine

    Wolverine Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good Job

    Nice map i like the original idea of four hard bridges. As they all said us boxes to support you walls to make them straight. Make a v2 and try to keep it all even.

    -keep forging, xpwn3r kidx
  18. InherentFlame

    InherentFlame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    in reply to the person that said it looks annoying well it not supposed to be annoying but it is supposed to be hard

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