
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by scapegoat9595, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
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    Created by scapegoat9595

    Supported Gametypes: FFA, Team Slayer, King of the Hill, and Multi-flag

    Map Description
    Keep your head down and your feet moving in this symmetrical map that uses the entire area of foundry. Although i have been forging since Halo 3 came out, this is my first post! This was also the first map I made without using the budget-glitch, which was HARD.
    I ran out of money when it came to laying down weapons. You might want to make whatever game type you are playing to include BR’s because there are none placed on the map. I used the money i had left for a couple of carbines, shotgun, 2x snipers, Spartan Lazer, 2x needeler, 2x Brute shots, and some equipment.
    Keep Your Head Down
    Or This Will Happen…
    View From Red Base
    Center Top
    Center Back
    Another Side View
    Red Tower
    Bottom Center
    Red Base
    Back Side
    Flag Spawns

    Download OverBite
    #1 scapegoat9595, Feb 5, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2009
  2. EleKtRa

    EleKtRa Ancient
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    first post :) I really like this map and love the origionality of the map. The bases are really good and creative giving this map an amazing origionality. The layout looks really good and fun to play on and the centre is beautiful :D

    although you have double posted wich is not allowed. if you do a thread wrong then edit it, dont make a new one.

    5/5 for me and an amazing first post
  3. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
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    I totaly screwed up my first post.. then didnt realize i could edit. Can the first one be deleted?
    I learned all my lesson.
  4. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    wow carnt belive this is your first post! the athetics are great and the gameplay is fun.

    i think if you could you should try a v2 with the budget glitch so you can place wepons and equitment more efficently

    my favourite thing about map: the sniper spot is cool and i love using it!
  5. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    This is very impressive for a first map post. I see original structures great lines of sight, and an easy to navigate flow. Can you fall into those teleporters in the crack between the double boxes?
  6. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
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    No you cant fall into the teleporters. You walk right over them..
  7. Oruska

    Oruska Ancient
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    WOW this looks totally epic. I'll DL definitely. So when you walk right over the teleporters, do you bump?
  8. scapegoat9595

    scapegoat9595 Ancient
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    No.. everything is smooth.. to my knowledge there is no bump when walking over the teleporters.
  9. Oruska

    Oruska Ancient
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    Sweet, the name is clever too haha it fits well. We're having the new 60" hd pioneer flatscreen installed as i type :p so when thats done, ill holla with a review
  10. BaronSharp

    BaronSharp Ancient
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    This is a beautiful map. I hope to see this featured very soon. The map looks amazing, original, and could yield to some very interesting gameplay. I have just put this in my download queue and hope to play it today. Btw, how many people do you recommend on this map? 4-6? 2-4? 6-8?

    Although I feel it would run very smoothly.

    Hard to believe this is your first post. 10 no-scopes out of 10.

    I see some promise here.

  11. Mallet

    Mallet Ancient

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    Screenshots like this are pretty astonishing to me. The scale of the construction seems huge compared to the maps that were around last time I stumbled into the map forums. I love the ambitious...ness. Keep it up, yo.
  12. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    love the idea and the orniinal ity bvery nice nice job interlocking did you geomerge any where?? what the point of the teleporter if you cant go thought them
    nice sniper spot good job on the over all map 4/5
    and that a sure D/L from me
    good job thanks
  13. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    Beautifully layed out map! Very original! By the way, my teeth can totally relate to the title of this map. We should set up a play date! 5/5 in my opinion. Deserves a DL!
  14. Reidypeedy

    Reidypeedy Ancient
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    nice job! this map it very original, and i like the center structure alot and the way have to snipe through it like and obstical... great 4.75/5
  15. DoTTii

    DoTTii Ancient
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    i cant wait to get some games on this, i will try to write a full review soon as i get some games on it. From the pics, the layout looks quite amazing and well planned and the forging is spectacular as well. The only thing i might suggest is switching the Splazer with a rocket seeing there are no vehicles on the map to my knowledge. Also, have you considered making an MLG variant to this, it would definitely be unlike the usual 2-base maps and it could easily work very well, budget wouldn't be an issue either since MLG doesnt require many weapons
  16. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Keep your head down, lol love that. Nice bases and center structure, they're really attractive. The gameplay looks questionable though because there's just something that you lack, just don't know what. I think that it is too fast-paced.

    I suggest providing a more detailed weapon list and take off 1 brute shot and perhaps put a mauler. Just a suggestion. Nice job.
  17. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I played this today during TGIF, I really enjoyed it.

    I ran 6 person FFA, it was ver nice. Great flow, a unique design and it flowed very well. There weren't any spots that could be over-dominated nor were there any spots that left you dangerously open. As of now I can't think of anything you could do to improve it as it's wonderful as is.

    I'm hoping to get some team games on this when I can.
  18. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I love the layout. It's very unique and yet isn't overdone. I like the many slants and things. Wow, very unique. I rate 4.5/5
  19. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    This looks really cool! Ive sadly not had the pleasure of playing on this yet but its on the DL que for when I'm ungrounded. I dont think there's much else you can improve on here so I'll just give you two thumbs up :)
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I played this map yesterday, and I was very impressed with the structures. The map had good movement, although the back alley was ignored during slayer matches.

    We did have considerable spawn problems on the map though.I rarely spawned in the back corners of Foundry which look like a nice safe haven from a lot of the action. There were other times where players would spawn directly beneath an enemy, often resulting in death. This seemed to happen a lot right here \/


    This could be fixed by adding more spawn points to other areas of the map, and by adding 2 respawn areas that divide the map into two; only allowing one team to spawn on one side, and the other team to spawn on the other. That would work for both team slayer and multiflag actually.

    We also tried playing a game of Multiflag, but one of the flags was misplaced under some geometry, making the game impossible to play. So until you fix this, I can't really comment on the gametype.

    If you fixed the spawns and objecive points, this map would be much more enjoyable. But it is definitely a good start!

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