This is a 1v1 slayer map I made a few months ago. Not too great, but thought I'd post it to get some feedback. shotty cave w/ power drain mauler ramp leading to sniper pond needler hall leading to shotty cave overview Download : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
First Post WOot From the pics youve given us, the map looks pretty good. You know your interlocking, and have some pretty good aesthetics. Maybe some more pictures would help, cause right now the map look pretty small. Also, Is it enclosed?
Wow man this looks awesome. The interlocking is great and it looks very smooth. you might want to post a larger description and weapons list because some people like them. Here's the official review: Forging- 5/5 Aesthetics- 4.9/5 Gameplay- ???? (will get to it later) Overall- 4.95/5 Awesome YAYY!!!!!!!! Congrats on this wonderful map. 2nd post (woot woot)
Thnx guys, the map is enclosed and is fairly small built ONLY for 1v1. (unless you want a crazy match) Weapons list: shottyx1 plasmasx4 sniperx1 needlerx1 maulerx1 fragsx4 power drainx1 brx1
Looks really... Empty. I mean I know that caves are that way, but there could be stalactites/mites or maybe some kind of tent set up for an exploring team, etc. Interlocking looks awesome.
Anyways, good map, nice interlocking, def. needs more pics though, cant really tell exactly how big it is , but if it on the smaller side (which i gather from the pics) i think the large room in the bottom pic. needs a hint more cover. did you use an infinite money glitch?? because if you did you could easily add some aesthetic features to the caves, other than that good post, 4/5
Nice work, good interlocking, now comes the negatives Its far too open, needs more cover, possibly more weapons. As for weapon placement, i cant really tell
Great layout, nice aesthetics, nice post, and great interlocking. I love it! I think everything from interlocking to aesthetics to gameplay look great, clean, and fun. 5/5 EDIT: oh I forgot that i have no room what so ever so i cant test this out now. will try later on.
my favorite part about this map is the layout, witch is excellent, especially the pool. However the weapon set is a little weird for a 1v1 map, like a shotgun and a sentinel beam, 2 of the most overpowered weapons in the game, so i would remove the shotgun, put a mauler there, remove the mauler and replace with a smg our a plasma rifle and cut the sentinel beam for a 1 clip sniper cut the sniper for a br, and GET RID OF THE NEEDLER!!!!! i could spend a whole game camping in the sniper room, because the needlers only weakness is, extremely close range. witch is most of this map. But the sniper room is a exception. just put a carbine there