Botnets Beat Spartan Laser on Halo 3 | Threat Level from from I hope Microsoft does something about this.
If they can they will. If not for the players, it'll be to protect their own backs. So how do the zobmies work? They find IP address of people your connected with and then causes disruption in the communications? At the moment it just looks like Stand-bying in Halo 2.
Happened to me a lot going for my 50 in TS, I don't really get it very much otherwise. Hopefully they somehow stop this though. I know a lot of people sell 50s in MLG with this, so it really destroys the system.
thas just stupid. i mean, if you are using a bot, aren't you not even playing anyway? whats the fun in that?
Zombies work by spreading a virus to other "unaware" computers. Then when the script kiddie presses his lagswitch, all the "zombies" will send ping requests to the victim. Thus is the cycle of DDOS attacks.
When you say unaware computers do you mean electronics with an ip address? Otherwise I dont have a bluddy clue how this works...