I just found this article on Bungie.net leading to 2 sites that interviewed Bungie and showed some exclusive pics. Discuss.
WTF is this?! a new forging thing? (red bubble) The pic was taken in forge, so... Maybe some lighting/effect/spawning/whatever thing. hmmm... I saw most already though.
All of this is already in the pinned Sandbox Discussion thread, it's just scattered around on different pages and such. (Just checked the Original Post and the interview links and all the pictures are in there)
Looks great! I love the new items and how easy it is to make slopes. All of those countless hours trying to make a slope or ramp perfect will not have to be done again.
Wow those images might just get me back into forging... **** that's cool. It's almost Quake like imo, the style of the map I mean.