Claustraphatic By Sourdauer This is a small slayer map i made a long time ago. I decided not to post it because i ran out of budget and failed to make it completely complete it astheticswise. I think im going to make a v2 from scratch though, so i posted this in hopes that i can get some suggestions before i start. DESCRIPTION: This small nuclear reactor was abandoned after numerous leaks in sector A. THE MAP: The map itself is composed of 3 central chambers; sniper room, room B, room A, and the generator room, It also features a smaller subchamber and a lower tunnel. The map is supposed to be an abandoned nuclear reactor/generator plant. The generator features (of course) a generator. if u fall into the generator, u die. my favorite about this map is: "I love how this is such a small-ass map with a big-ass hole in the middle" . The map tends to lend to very close combat and fast action, i highly recomend adding a shield vampirism effect when playing. Flaws...: this map does have some flaws, most of them created because my budget glitched map failed on me utterly . First off, the map IS escapable. it isn't easy, but it is possible to get out of the map. Secondly, the map isn't enclosed. this might seem like the same as being the same as escapable, but what a really wanted when i made this map was to make it enclosed. I am going to fix these in the v2, so please dont flame me for them, im only human. Power Weapons: Mauler: 1 clip 120sec Sniper: 1 clip 150sec Sentinel Beam: 150sec and 1 custom pwr up: 120secNumber of Players: I suggest 2-4 players for this map. anymore and it becomes a spawn-killing-****-of-fail. This map is really fun for 1 on 1 or team doubles though. IMPORTANT NOTE: When u play this map, make sure to change the settings so that u dont lose a point for falling to your death. Screen Shotzzzzzzzzzzzzz: When u post on this map, i would appriciate if u offered some advice for the v2. i wont flag u if u dont but like i said i would really appriciate it. vv DL vv >>CLAUSTRAPHATIC<< ^^ DL ^^ Credit goes out to Dassoccerguy1, Bob the Slayer8, Highsniper12 and SwordSlayer05 for helping me test the map.
looks well made! the hole is a pretty cool idea. the map looks pretty small. btw, i would merge the wep holders into the double boxes and when u put them on the wep holders the wep will stick to the wall. the map looks good. nothing to really complain about. spawn killing might be a prob but ill see for my self. also couls use some asthetics.5/5 tho. great job! :]
Is that even a word, oh and I typed that word into google and it actually referenced it back to you. Check your post in the thread LINKY LINKY Hmm, its very small, but I luve tight quarters maps. As solo said you could have interlocked those weapon holders, but who cares. Also spawn killing def could get involved, but I havn't played it yet soooo. Umm, I like the deathpit, adds more strategicells. The overall map presentation 3.5/5 Gameplay-Havn't Played-
haha, that's awsome. i guess im the first person to have ever used the word . and actually, spawnkilling isn't much of a problem on this map. because its split into quadrants, its really hard to catch people spawning. thanks for the comment!
I really like the layout, but yeah as it has been said before, merge the weapon holders into the boxes and weapons will just float on the outside. I looks better that way. I like the interlocking and I will test this as soon as I can find some space on hard drive. 4/5
Although many may find that appealing its all a matter of opinion. The problem with putting the weapon holder behind the wall is often times the weapon is not as securely fastened to the wall. The making it so a stray grenade or blast could more easily not it from its hold. This could create a problem with gameplay, perhaps you would have needed to weapon to counter balance another. Personally I think its fine his weapon holder is just out there. Aside from that his map definitely is visually pleasing to the eye. While that isn't everything to a map it most certainly attracted my attention. I think I will give this a try seeing as you have put this much effort into the map it must be worthwhile. Hopefully the weapons fit the map although I'm a little concerned about a sniper in a CQB (close quarters combat) map. But thats just all speculation, you should expect a more in depth response towards the weekend when I have the given opportunity to play on this.
Looks very nice! It would definitely give me the feel of a nuclear reactor. My only two cons are the sniper(it probably wont fit in the map at all) and you might wanna prevent camping and spawn killing with bigger parties. Putting a spawn area in each room might help so the game knows to spawn you away from them if there are enemies in the room.
I really like the death pits. They remind me of water(stupid drowning!). I will download, and for some suggestions, take the sniper away. For a small map, sniper is useless.
thanx for the posts guys, ill definitely take them into consideration for the v2. as to the sniper comments, the sniper is meant to be used in close quarters on this map (there isn't anything BUT close quarters on this map). i love no-scoping, as do many other people, which is what the sniper is intended for. i guess i should have included that in the map description but w/e.
One thing about the pics is that they are all so close up that i really can't see most of the map. But what i can see however is that its really well made 4/5
looks pretty good. i think it could use some more interlocking and geomerging in some places to make it look better but in the end the gameplay is what counts and i also like the cool looking pits even though it has been done many times befor. keep up the forgin i think you have allot of potential as a forger
lol, the map was so small, i really had a hard time taking pictures, i think ill add a cut-away pic with some of the walls removed after i get my xbox back.
this looks great, i really like how you used up so much space on foundry to make the map look larger and with more space. its got very nice interlocking 10/10 oh and im dling =]
I really do appreciate this map. It plays extremely well with three to six players. The sniper spawns in a very cool place - it's nice to grab it while jumping over the gap, and then getting in a few noscopes. Perhaps the strongest weapon on this map, though, is the Sentinel Beam. It shoots and any range, and is devastating in a shoot-melee combo. The only slightly irritating thing here is the grav lifts on either side of the bottom floor. It's easy to, while fighting, run into one and get stuck in a repetitive rising-falling motion. I don't know if this should or could even be fixed... perhaps by making the ceiling above the lifts slanted? Great work! 5/5