
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cade Brandos, Feb 4, 2009.


What Do You Think Of Repel?

  1. Good

    1 vote(s)
  2. Average

    1 vote(s)
  3. Bad

    2 vote(s)
  1. Cade Brandos

    Cade Brandos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My name is Cade Brandos. I would like to prsent to you Repel, a map with the main focus of its environment is to literally repel your enemies. This map can be used for mainly CTF, Assualt, and Infection. Now this is my first true competitve map, so it isn't going to be perfect.

    Heres a view of the main battlements of the map.

    Now to more experienced Forgers it may not seem like much, notice there really isn't any interlocking or geomerging, but bear with me. The main area is made up of a wall/staircase combo. There are open boxes allowing you to either go through those or use the stairs. More on this later.

    Now onto the "Trip Mine Alley".

    Side "A"

    Sign "B"

    This area is another way to the enemy base and the Shotgun spwan. The Shotgun is inside a group of Shield Doors. Now it might sound like it would be a camp fest. The Shotgun is actually in a triangular area that makes camping virtually impossible, as seen here. There is also a dual SMG spawn to the right of the picture above and on the other side too.

    You also have Trip Mines on both sides of the alley to work with to weaken or kill the enemy.

    Now lets explore the starting spawn points for your team and the other team.

    Heres "Spawn 01"

    And "Spawn 02"

    In this spawn area you have a Brute Shot and Portable Grav Lift. Whay a Grav Lift? You could take it anywhere and use it on the map, or use these two options.

    Use it to climb up to the ledge near your spawn.

    Or to make it to the top of the wall.

    Whats up with the Flamethrowner? Forge mess up? Nope its an actual useable weapon. Now before you scream "Blasphemy!", I put that weapon in to continue the "repelling" theme in the map and acts as a middle based power weapon. Don't worry it has a 60 second respawn time. It also spawns directly under where the Spartan is above the staircase.

    Now for the wall. Remember how I mentioned the open boxes you could travel under? Well you can prevent OTHER people from travelling under them by using the Deployable Cover in the boxes, as shown here.

    Finally I will wrap up with the tunnels you will travel out of to get to the wall. Inside you will find a Bubble Shield and BR. The Bubble can also be used stratgically inside the tunnel if you have the Shotgun or Flamethrower.

    Overall I believe this map to be good. Of course you might be the ones playing it.

    To download it, you can follow the link here. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    or go on and look up my GamerTag, DecpeticonCobra.

    #1 Cade Brandos, Feb 4, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2009
  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    you need to imbed your screenshots.Youll have to look around forgehub for a tut. You have 24 hours before FH locks this thread.
  3. Mero90

    Mero90 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im just going to say welcome to forgehub,but your going to want to read this
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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  5. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    looks like a good map from what I can see (some of the pics are a little small.) If you used geomerging and interlocking though, this could be a lot better.
    -Nice Layout
    -Looks very thought out
    -Good forging for not using interlox/geomerges
    -obviously... no interlocking and geomerging.
    -Kinda empty. Add some more structures and make some stuff taller
    -Boxes aren't upside down. Upside down boxes provide a flatter, smoother floor... especially if they're interlocked
    -Shield doors... never use shield doors
    There are other minor things but i listed the major things. This could be much improved on in a v2 even though it is a good map. 3/5. good for your first map
    *EDIT: Oh and a Flamethrower...seriously?
  6. Cade Brandos

    Cade Brandos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well when I get more into Forging, I will learn how to use Geomerging and all that jazz, this was my first serious attempt. As for the Flamethrower, I put that in there becuase I didn't want people who managed to make it up on the toop of the wall to spawn kill people who were respawning.
  7. Sephire124

    Sephire124 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can't really see the small pictures. It looks interesting though. I'll Dl it to check it out. It looks very clean from what I can see.
  8. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey the first three pictures are inbeded correctly but the rest are the tab versions (super small), you might want to check which link u used for those.
  9. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
    Senior Member

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    since when is spawn killing a good thing?? but any way the map has no interlocking and no geomerging wat so ever but hat doesnt mean its a bad map
    were does the shot gun spawn?? and do you sudjest any game types?? for this ??
    over ll 3/5 and i think about D/L
    keep it up
  10. Cade Brandos

    Cade Brandos Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Don't worry guys I'll fix the other pics, I just don't have time right this second.
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thats fine. And I don't see the point in people posting over and over the same thing. Are you trying to up your post count by telling him to embed (not imbed...) his images? Post count doesn't matter. If your trying to be helpful, note that it's...well, not. Don't post it if it's already taken.

    @Cade Brandos: I can see you put a lot of work into your map, and that I think is the most important thing. Unfortunately I can't check out your map right now (I hate to be hypocritical, but...).

    I really think you guys should at least give a forgethrough of the map before leaving a review. Any review you give that is based off pictures is probably an easy way to get you farther from a colored rank or respect on this website.

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