I agree with you 100%. If it's going on the internet, why can't it be on youtube and not just their music site. And with RB/GH, i mean the user did create the content, even if it belongs to the company, so why can't they get over it? EDIT: I was confused about your side of the argument EDIT 2: Nevermind edit 1
Well what I mean by that is that they will probably be deleting every bit of copyrighted content down to where it would only be people sitting in front of their cameras or web cameras talking or blogging.
OM NOM NOM NOM. right. I thought copyright infringement had more to do with production and like earning money off of it.
Damn that copyright infringement. How dare it remove the ability for people to listen to free music instead of buying it. Look at it through the seller's perspective.
This is an age old argument. Half of todays bands wouldn't be where they are right now if it weren't for free music sharing? Lots of artists promote it. You make it big, you make the money off merch and appearances. Lots of smaller bands are too low key to be easily distributed, thus you have to buy their album. It works. Metallica needs to stop bitching. I'd like to hear TSB's perspective.
I understand removing videos uploaded solely for the purpose of music sharing, but removing videos that just have songs in them like Rock Band? No no no... that is just silly. I saw a story on a video on a Marine's funeral who was KIA'd in Iraq, and the whole thing was muted because at the funeral they were playing a song in honor of him.
... And look at it through the seller's perspective instead of just shutting down my argument. You think they give two shits about the music? It's their money they're losing. They have every right to. They've gone too far in cases like the above that Mikey's mentioned, yet that's still within their rights.
Dom do not forget about our rights as individuals who purchased this music. The music being played in my above situation was purchased by them and they had the right to play it at the funeral and they did not break copyright just because it was uploaded to Youtube. And this is just Youtube were talking so I do not care that much but I am worried that it will scapegoat into something bigger.
Was the video unmuted? If not, I'm pretty sure these guys know what they can or can't do. I'm not saying I agree with it, hell no - I'm just here to make the other side of the argument. We own the music but I'm fairly sure we're not legally allowed to redistribute it ie; youtube videos containing just the music.
Haha I hope you are not agreeing with it! I blame all of the people (99% of my school and probably Forge Hub) who download music illegally. Downloading music illegally does not affect the band, but it drastically affects recording companies and all of the technical crew behind the creation of mainstream music; the sound mixer, etc etc... And now because of this companies have had to take drastic measures. I myself buy all of my music because I am willing to take responsibilities and have a job, and because songs are cheap on itunes. I mean come on guys, 1 dollar a song is like going to a store every week to buy a pack of gum.
Dom are you saying I am complaining way too much? If so, I find that funny I am not the only one who doesn't like this you know.
Seriously I am not even complaining, and I don't get why you are like against me on my thread. There are millions of people out there that are losing their videos due to this crap. I myself have lost 15 videos. No I am not complaining but in some cases it is unnecessary for them to remove certain videos. Also in Rock Band's case I don't see why they don't give you some sort of leverage when posting RB videos. Because think about you have to pay for the songs.
Well, I don't care what you say Agamer, but I sure as hell am complaining. Guitar Hero and Rock Band videos traffic millions of views for Youtube, and right now many of those views are being taken away by videos being taken down. I'm not saying that companies like Time Warner Music don't have the rights to practice these actions, or that it is right for us to ask them not to do it. I'm just saying that it plain sucks that it is going down like this.
In my opinion, this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I myself have seen a lot of videos removed for copyright. It's just silly. They are taking it too far.
Here you go guys check this out. Alright this is my page like two months ago. If you look I have 53 videos. Today is February 10th and I currently have 34 videos. ALL of the videos that are gone are due to copyright claims. Here is the copyright claim. Notice the WMG part.