Wow from the pics this looks very good and everything seems to be interlocked. I just downloaded it and ill check it out later.
very neatly put together and nice layout - I liked the top and I think you did a good job with the cover. I could see the bottom ring being fun in a friday the 13th kind of way I thought it was a bit claustrophobic in the bottom around the crates. It looks like getting control back would be rough - the only paths up from the bottom ring meet in the middle.
Yes i thought that, originally i wasnt going to make a bottom floor, but it became clear there would be too many spawns with nowhere to hide quickly, the bottom floor was mainly a safe place to spawn, allowing the player to work thier way to the top floors, and also as a side passage to the other side of the map, The boxes you speak of are the reason why this map does not play FFA oddball so well, merely because all of the fight would take place on the bottom floor. Although it does play team oddball fine. I decided to place that many boxes because that bottom floor would be suicide on most gametypes, especially S.W.A.T Thanks for the comments though, they will help greatly in my future maps.
Well I like the map, even when there is an insane amount of people. I don't know how it is on team play since there are no established bases that block direct fire from opposing teams. However, I do enoy FFA a lot.
It was fun for 1v1v1, and I love all the action. Its so small, yet BRs are the weapon everyone rushes for, besides the snipes and shotty. I really love the battles you have where the stickies spawn. The only thing I don't like about it is how small the bottom level is. Its just barely big enough to walk through.
Thanks, im thinking about making the bottom floor a little more complex. Care to help some time? I will be on tuesday. I have some ideas.
Oooh, making modifications, eh? I'd be interested in assisting. There is a lot you can do down there. PM me if you are at all interested.
I wont be on Xbox Live till tuesday. If you send me an FR (GT - IVLatty) i will invite you on tuesday when i get on. And yes theres plenty left to do. 150 points left, and a tonne of scenery, and i could also money glitch it.
Good job, but if you are like me the gaps that allow you to see out of the map on the pillar level would drive me nuts. I'm wicked OCD with my maps so the slight crookedness of those walls would drive me insane. It probly wouldn't take too much to get them straight. Also like someone said before,the bottom level is a bit cramped but maybe taking out a few of the crates down there would make a difference. Overall great job though.
Thanks for being honest Creep1ng. Yes i understand what you mean about that gap. It bears no advantage, and was a real hassle to make, but if i am modifying the map tomorrow with Sender Node and Orange i will definately re-do that side, seen as it is only 4 boxes. I will also remove some of the cover / Make the bottom corridors wider. I dont think it would work with no scenery and there is little other scenery to use, although i could use barriers on thier sides. Again thanks for bieng honest. I cant improve with a 5/5.
Wow man.. this looks really nice. Those upside-down boxes are really catching on.. and it's no surprise, they are really nice aesthetics. I like the layout of this map too. Not too much, not too little. It's got that Goldilocks feel to it. Nice work man, can't wait to play it. DL'd
hey if u needi could also help. I also want to check out this map but have noe space. so maybe an invite tommorow, eh?