Top Five: • New weapons, equipment, and vehicles • Forge • Infection where it's a challenge, but not like you get infected instantly • The multiplayer announcer saying "Double Kill. Double Kill. Double Kill. Running Riot!" • New maps Bottom Five • Lag • infection maps where people get out of the map(glitched out usually), and i'm the only one man enough to stay in. then i pay for my honor by becoming a zombie and being camped by nubs not in the map. • Dropping the Elite storyline (I woulda liked a whole alternate campaign, where you're the Arbiter and you have to fight, but without marines and Master Chief) • People i get paired with in MM who are infinitely better than me • When I can't find any good custom games. AT ALL
I think i'll settle for only top/bottom five. Top 5 1)Story Closure 2)Multilayer 3)Forge 4)Game aesthetics 5)Armour Perms Bottom 5 1)Disappointing story in the respect that it was short, and seemed hurried 2)Not much variety in the maps, all kind of feel the same 3)Prepubescent children online (not really the games fault, but w/e) 4)Forge can be unforgiving at times 5)Minor tweaks here and there. On the whole a great game, better then most others i've played
I said no 'kids online' in your bottom 5. Damn you! But the rest of your bottom 5 are well thought-out. I'll let you off...
Top Ten Making and playing with friends. Beauty of the maps/graphics. Variety of everything. HLG (Yes, I enjoy HLG. You're blind if you can't find people.) MLG (Strange combo eh?) Sniper Rifle. Shotgun Playlist Variety My Armor Combo Forge Bottom Ten People who scream/yell/sing Heavy Weapon Hoggers (Rockets, etc) Jumpers Cocky Generals People who BR all the time and don't switch weapons. Pistols (I don't call them Magnums) Shotgun Campers Limits of Forge Trash Talk Lag