
Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by DeathstarsOG, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Bomb has been a gametype of much debate in Halo 3. The gametype was acceptable in Halo 2, but without notifications that the bomb is being armed, it didn't transfer into Halo 3 well. With the lack of notifications in mind, Epicenter was designed to play the best Halo 3 can offer for a bomb game.
    I also wanted to create a new design, yet keep it very familier to MLG players. It is a 2 base, symmetrical map with 2 lines of symmetry just like Onslaught. Because of this, Most of Onslaughts callouts work perfectly and will help you jump right into this map and feel like home. However this fast paced arena has some interesting curve balls you must learn. To start them off, there is a Active Camo that spawns bottom mid 2 minutes into the game and then every two minutes after that. Camo is extremely powerfull and absolutely must be timed and controlled if your team expects to win. Also, there are mancannons at the back of each teams base used to get the bomb as far away from your base as possible. It will take some practice to be able to throw the bomb in, but it should require some skill to perform as to not make defense too easy. There are carbines at each top A and top B towers along with two plasma rifles at the bottom of each base.
    The bomb itself must be armed at the top of the opposing teams base. The map is also setup for all other Team/FFA MLG gametypes and a version of Land Grab using MLG rules. I'll post links to everything you will need to enjoy the map thoroughly at the end of this post.

    Here was the sketchup concept of the map, you can see from the pics it has gone through some layout changes and alot of added geometry to make it much more playable:

    Map Style:
    2 Base Sym w/two lines of symmetry.

    Gametypes supported:

    2-8 Players

    4 BR's - 10 sec.
    2 Carbines's - 90 sec.
    2 Plasma Rifles - 120 sec.
    4 Frags - 30 sec.
    4 Plasmas - 30 sec.
    1 Invis - 120 sec.(Not at start)

    Here are two overviews looking at Red and Blue bases. Also has a great view of the center structure.

    Here's a view of A tower. B tower is identical.

    Here is a view of Red base, Blue base is identical.

    Inside each base looks like this. There is a mancannon at the back of them which the Bomb can be thrown into and launched across the map. This is a great tactic to use to technically "Play bomb" if your team is down and the opposing team is pushing in. Here you can see me throwing the bomb in.

    And lastly, this is a picture of me arming the bomb. It is located at the top portion of each base very visable to all. This is very important for it to play well on Halo 3 because of the lack of notifications. The bomb arm point has two indicators, this allows for strafing while arming the bomb.

    Please make sure when playing customs on this, everyone gets a chance to run around on it and possibly practice with the mancannons. Please DL and come back with some reviews. Also please note, the MLG Bomb gametype is not an official MLG gametype, however it is the mostly widely used and accepted Bomb gametype used for MLG. Also MLG Land Grab was created by me. It also uses all MLG rules just with Land Grab in mind. I tried to make this map a step forward in as many directions as possible for the MLG community and hope you guys enjoy it.

    Wanna also say thanks to all the people that helped make this map possible. Had alot of testers and alot of people that gave some great feedback. Also thanks to _TaK_ for helping design the epic center(pun intended) and Baron for coming up with the map name.

    Download Epicenter
    Download MLG Bomb
    Download MLG Land Grab
    #1 DeathstarsOG, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2009
  2. Berkgina

    Berkgina Ancient
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    that layout was very useful i was just wondering how you did it?
    but anyways back to the map i dl this to test it out because it looked great but not only did it look great it played really welll as an mlg map. i really liked the use of the mancannons an a method of throwing the bomb away, i did have some difficulty at first but now ive got it down. i also have a question about where you geomerged the walls into the ground to make a ramp just wanted to know how you did that because i sometimes have some difficulty doing that but i get it sometimes but it looks like youve got the hang of it. send me a message if you want to tell me but anyways i really enjoyed this map good job
  3. ManEatingZebra

    ManEatingZebra Ancient
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    Lookks epic
    will dl and play a few games on it.
  4. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    This is quite simply the best map I've ever played a game of Assault on in Halo 3. The first two games were over pretty quickly, but the third lasted for nearly 30 minutes once we jacked the score points up to 5. The mancannon idea is brilliant and the layout works exactly as intended. You've got some spectacular ideas, man. Keep 'em coming.
  5. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    It all looks pretty solid, I'm just wondering what the weapons/weapon layout is? I didn't see any in the screenshots.
  6. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    omg this is sweet i love the interlocking and geomegig looks great qustion is the bomb plant in the ground? were are the weapons ?? becasue i dont see any in the pictures
    over all 4/5 qustion did u post this in the mlg fourm?? ust asking thanks :) i will D/L
  7. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Oh and one more thing. You might want to change the name just because I've already seen a couple maps with the name Epicenter. In fact, one well-known forgehub contributer, matty, got his map named Epicenter featured. You don't have to, but it's just a thought.
  8. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I was going to say that lol. OG you should check out the naming your maps thread if you need a name.

    About the map. It looks awesome, insane merging everywhere. I really don't know how the gameplay works though. I'm going to DL it and get back to you.
  9. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    I seen the title, and im like wait, how is this a new map, i seen this long time ago, but that was a territory map by matty, you might want to change the name:p lol anyways, i really like the interlockss, and geomergess, it looks really smooth and clean, with good gameplay. Will DL. 4/5
  10. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Congratulations Deathstars! It seems to me that you have made the first MLG map focused on assualt! And might I add that it is made very well like all your maps, with the geomerging that it the same on one side and the other.

    The mancannon idea is new, and looks like it works very well... however, how far does it shoot the bomb?

    5/5 untill I play as I have not yet rated your thread and will not untill I have a party together and play it. The geomerging is flawless... nufsaid.
  11. pUn15h3r

    pUn15h3r Ancient
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    Game play looks like it would be amazing on this.
    I really want to try this out before I rate, so Ill post again as soon as I play this

    Played CTF on it, pretty fun. One of the best Mlg maps Ive played
    #11 pUn15h3r, Feb 1, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2009
  12. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    Well, the map is already widely known as Epicenter, just know this one as the MLG Epicenter. I will be doing an update on it soon and will re-name it MLG Epicenter. To the poster above me, the map was designed for Neutral Bomb, download the MLG Bomb gametype from the first post to use on the map. If you wanna play other gametypes on it too, thats fine as it supports them all. I just want to make sure you realize it was built for bomb. To everyone else, I would like to hear some comments on gameplay. Not just "great interlox".
  13. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This looks extremely beautiful. It's the first time I have seen man-cannons on an MLG maps that actually work well.

    The middle is mostly what makes the map stand out (also gameplay). Why didn't anyone think of something like that yet? Lol.

    Can you separate your map description into paragraphs? Because it would be better because it would give the person's eyes an easier time to read. Nice weapons list btw, I just realised now that the PR was included in MLG. Good job.
  14. Fritzster

    Fritzster Silly Goose
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    + forge kudos to Deathstar!

    I'm pretty sure that you've received most of my feedback so far, just showin' some love.

    Seriously keep playing and working with the map, there's some potential- have you contacted KC at all today?
  15. Bl4ckhawk

    Bl4ckhawk Ancient
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    whoa nice job! the interlocking and geomerging is flawless, and gameplay looks great. will DL. The mancannon bomb tactic is brilliant, i never would have thought to do tht. nie job 4/5.
  16. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    I did contact him today. Showed him a link to the original thread on MLGpro over AIM and he said it looks interesting. We were supposed to meet up around noon his time on Live and he ended up running into some stuff with Gears of War 2 and couldn't make it. This seams to keep happening and I feel like I'm bugging him. Wish he could find 10 mins to go over it with me.
  17. i can forge

    i can forge Ancient
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    i love the map it has some of the greatest and cleanest geomerging and interlocking combined ever this map just seems to amaze me with all the angles and degrees to get everything just perfect it also has some of the best ways to setup in mlg with the upper level and ground Zero
  18. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    I'm glad so many people seam to like it, but with nearly 1200 downloads in 2 days, I still don't have any gameplay feedback in here(excluding Fritz). Have you guys played the map yet? Let me know what you think. I'm already working some ideas around for an update on this but need to know what needs fixing.
  19. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    The map is a very cool, unique layout,only one thing,because if go on the floor you can really get back up,maybe add a few ramps, besides that game play is very fun.4.8/5 Good job!
  20. A Punker

    A Punker Ancient
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    first the 3d image is awesome and second this map rocks... it makes such great use of natural cover and has an awesome flow to it.

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