Cannon Fodder Don't touch the Double Boxes... OVERVIEW: This slayer map doesn't focus on weapons and shooting people, instead, you must remove the enemies' base out from under them by throwing fusion coils on their side. There are a variety of objects you are given to help knock them off the map. Game is played in rounds, with 1 life per round, so make it count! Team with the most points (or is the least negative) wins. MAP DETAILS: Players Supported: 2-12 (Recommended: 4v4) Required to play: Cannon Fodder (gametype) and Double Decker (map) You need the gametype to play, and can find them in the same file set. EQUIPMENT LIST Sniper Rifle x 2 Grav Lift x 2 Deployable Cover x 2 Bubble Shield x 2 Radar Jammer x 2 Custom Powerup x 2 (gives EXTRA damage) Fusion Coils x Lots Plasma Grenades x Lots (Spawn @ 3:00) Spike Grenades x Lots (Spawn @ 3:00) SCREENSHOTS: WARNING: DON'T TOUCH THE DOUBLE BOXES Push fusion coils into these... The right cannon will shoot more dead on, and the left will arc to the back of the enemy base. Push the fusion coils in at different speeds to aim. The bubble shield will protect you from splash damage... ...but not from a direct hit. Use your plasma pistol to shoot at unreachable fusion coils. Use the sniper rifle to shoot incoming fusion coils. Use the Grav Lift to take a chunk out of the enemies' top floor, but make sure you throw it in the Mancannon properly, or it can come back to your base! The Custom Powerup gives you ridiculous amounts of damage, but only for a limited time (15 seconds) So don't grab it unless you have a fusion coil to launch over! Throw the radar jammer to drop a fusion coil dead center of the enemy base, they won't even see it coming! But be careful, it has a 50% chance of dropping one on your head instead!! ACTION SHOTS So much for the bottom floor... Boomies. Generic Action Shot 3 ADVANCED STRATEGY: Your top floor will be safer, but it also doesn't have as many fusion coils to use. Always have at least one player go to the bottom floor to pepper the enemy base with fusion coils. I really can't stress this enough. The best defense is a good offense, and the bottom floor is where you offend your enemies. Throw the grav lift into the left mancannon to assault campers on the top of the other base. Don't touch the double boxes. Don't even think about it. Don't even look at them funny. Always have a sniper watch for oncoming enemy fusion coils. Make sure to use your radar jammer before it becomes unavailable at 3 minutes... That's all for now, I can't give away all of my secrets now can I... THANKING SECTION: Thanks to Wynterbyte for helping test whenever I needed it, along with all of the other testers from the Ghosts of Onyx and otherwise who helped shape this into what it is today. Special thanks to all of the MLG Pr0 31337 h4xx0r players who are going to look at this map and flame because it doesn't have a BR on it. Also, special thanks to Tender Bisquit for this beautifully organized post, which I shamelessly stole and replaced with my map's information. DOWNLOAD THE "Cannon Fodder" GAMETYPE HERE DOWNLOAD THE "Double Decker" MAP HERE KTHXBAI Also check my sig for more schweet maps, gametypes, and guides. vvv
OMG This is EPIC! Where did you come up with this? And you made it Slayer! Wow what more amazing things could you of done? The instantly dieng boxes blew me away and the different ways you can attack! Im going to have to forge this to see exactly what you did on some of these things! GREAT MAP!
So its like that Battleship game someone created a while back. This one looks pretty cool, but the same concept. The other one was kinda confusing, hopefully this one is more straight forward. From what you said it sounds like it. Also, howd you make the instant death boxes. (are they at the bottom of the level???
I would assume he found out the exact area where the death barrier starts and made the boxes just below that.
this is quite well made my good friend devinish, but there is one question that im sure every body wants answerd, did you use the death barrier or is there some kind of trickery... the map itsef looks amazing and the game type must have taken forever to tweak to perfection. a definite dl and with good luck a feature to you my good sir.
It's kind of like a map from long ago called "You sunk my Battleship" on the outside of standoff. This looks great thought. I will be downloading and playing this map(BTW Devinish, I hate your jumps maps, i feel stupid when I play them...)
I remember testing this. It was so much fun but my mic keep not working. i love the idea and the exicution is even better. I loved the different tactics people had with what to throw first and who should do what. It is acutally quite tactical. I really like the part with how you could just throw one object like the fusion coils and it could keill several people. And even if that happen the team that was hit could still come back and win that round. the use of moveable objects was really good. I think it wouldnt of been as fun with out the destructable environment
I did, in fact, use the death barrier to make the double boxes kill you. I actually started this project way before that battleship map, and I have been sitting on it for a while. This is much more straight forward than Battleship, however.
Ooh, final version! Looks like there have been a whole lot of updates since the last time I played this. Great premise, precise forging, interesting gameplay. Definitely a great expansion to the mini-game experience. Invite me next time I'm on.
This map is really cool, i love the maps that if u fall off u die, it seems really fun ill download and try it out
Wow. This pretty much is a team version of jenga. A really innovative idea and I think this map is going to be very popular. One question though, how many people would you reccomend playing on it? A large amount would be hectic but hectic isn't always fun.
Very good I say. Original for the most part, but I have seen quite a few variations of this map. I like how there are many items you are on top of, and the idea of floating obstacles in the middle.Looks like its worth a download for me.very good
i have a 2 questions how does the radar jammer thing work and whats the point of the custom power up? i mean you can't shoot at them, and im pretty sure your damage dosen't affect the damage of items
It does. It takes more punches to destroy a pallet, for instance, if you have less damage. Also, I believe that fusion coils that you blow up do less damage (definitely to things like grav-lifts, probably to players) when you have a lower damage setting.
Dude I remember playing this months ago. Dang it took a while but I'm glad you posted it. One of the best darn maps on Blackout because the little death floor of boxes is crazy. I just can't believe you still posted it, but thats a good thing. EDIT: Perhaps that was something else, for this looks like a different setup or changes have been made. Oh well.
sweet map great idea i love that you made it slayer combatible witch is alot cooler then like jenga or something like that nice job ill so D/L a play with my friend 4.5/5 nice
The custom powerup makes your explosions WAY more powerful, and WAY more splash damage. Throwing a fusion coil to the other side with it activated is nearly certain death for your enemy. As for the Radar Jammer, you will just have to download it to find out
I am beyond excited to play this! The concept is so unique, as is everything you seem to do. I will be playing it this weekend. PS - I like how you listed the gametype first, smart decision.
AT LAST! took you long enough.. Its been months lol. Glad you finally got it here, though. This game is a blast, and takes such a different strategy and mind set than traditional Halo. Very unique, and pretty replayable. I completely forgot about the radar jammer as its been at least a month or so since i've played this. Also, do you still have the rotating grav lift in the middle? I loved that bit.
This looks like pure fun to me, can't wait to play this. It has been a really long time since I saw a team-based mini-game map that is as awesome as this. There are not many mini-game maps on Blackout, this might be the best IMO if it delivers, which I am sure it will. You have a very great thought to the gameplay especially on how fun it is. I really admire your idea, a team mini-game where the bases are separate and the only way to kill is by a flying fusion coil. Great job.