Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? I don't think there is any one. I think my top 3 used weapons statisticaly is the br, ar and melee. But my favorite weapons to use are almost any human weapon, the needler, and more recently, the brute shot. The auto update makes the sniper sound awesome from a distance, so I've been using it a lot I also just realized the brute shot kills in two hits. I know, I'm a little slow... The needler just rocks at short range, rips the crap out of someone with an ar, especially if you can get the jump on them. Tim
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? actually, to be honest, i didn't even know that myself are you sure it kills with only 2? i dont think so
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? Na, it takes 3 shots. But it is useful for flippin Mongooses, and its got a good melee. But BR/LAZER combo FTW!
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? i strongly agree with the mongoose part it kinda works w/ hogs too, but once when i was trying to flip over an enemy hog, i hit it too much, and it flipped back up and killed m
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? sniper w00t!!!!!!!1!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111 because i can haz ub3r paWn on l337 h3ad sh0tz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!
ROFLCOPTER! same here! i have over 150 more Gravity Hammer kills than Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle kills now. Also, I think I have sword as my second most but I'm not sure, I'll have to check.
Yeah, soon, everyone's tool of destructuon will be the hammerz! PS: roflcopter? what the hay is that?
Hehe the roflcopter is a name for this stupid helicopter yoke they put into world of warcraft,its spread everywhere and now it just a funner way to say rofl =) and i now likes my splater sprees with the ghost
Ugh i've since shed myself of that accursed game(you dont even wanna get me started on how many things are wrong with it suffice to say its faecasously like life except all the assholes have lvl 70 hunters and are well asshles) Its a mount they gave engineers,you can ride around one part of the game in your ridiculous little helicopter. Ive since gone to city of heroes/villains for MMO fun but i wouldnt go to wow ANYWAY i figure ive gone enough off topic here so ill end this post early If anyone want a page or two rant about how much i hate wow.... well i was gonna suggest pming me but i now realised i dont feel like it...but you get the picture....or do you? Well i suppose you do....i UGH
i'm just really bad with them and i hate how it moves up when you shoot, i know it's realistic but it can get pretty annoying