first off I didn't put it there. If you or anyone else find it a little over the top, but still need help understanding spawns, got look at Furious tread called "a giuld to spawn placment" or something. He put it into layman terms for you and also has pictures to go with it. I posted this back in mid Jan. Furious, posted his a month later. He also has the same theory. It works--period. So If you want, sms an admin and tell them this is BS and then go tell Furious the same, and everyone else that has made a small symmetrical map.
This is the last reply I am making here. Obviously you didn't put this thread in the helpful threads section. Only admin can do that. And stop getting so defensive. No one here hates you, they just think this idea is flawed and needs some work. It is a great idea though, and I'm glad you made it known, but the system you describe is overly complex and completely pointless. Next, Furious took the core of your idea and changed it so it made sense. All the kinks still aren't worked out, but it's a lot better than the system you used on Exile. His system is similar to yours since it runs off the same core idea, but his works better and makes more sense. They are not the same. ps. I made a map recently using Furious' system. Cyclopean, it's in my sig. Check it out if you want to see how it works. I have spawn areas in CTF, Assault and I think territories. Slayer didn't need it, and wouldn't work if I placed spawn areas. Don't know why.