Sort of an un-original name,couldn't think of anything better. Ok,so this works with pretty much any infection game type as long as you are able to pick up weapons,so set the game type to whatever you want,Fat Kid isn't a very good idea though since its a bit cramped,my settings are shotgun and magnum,alpha zombie 100 health and 100 speed, all others 10% sheilds and 200 speed.No infinite ammo.3 point bonus for being last man.25% zombies. So the point of the game is simply infection,the zombies start out on the roof of a small building and break through wooden pallets placed in 4 places around the map.The humans have a small weapon rack with 2 Firebomb grenades with a 20 second respawn each.A trip mine(30 seconds)a BR,SMG,a Magnum,and a shotgun.None of the weapons respawn,so that its balanced and eventually the zombies will win.Simple infection map.Me and my friend made this.It took around an hour of two maybe.So I hope you like it!Constructive criticism appreciated. More Screenshots A decent view of the roof. Theres a corner of the building. Download here if you're interested. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
u need to have a longer post... its hard to tell wat ur map is about... im also gonna suggest that u look into interlocking and maybe even geomerging ... maybe tr looking at the featured map for ideas too
K,thanks,its my first map,but just wondering,what did I not make clear?Its pretty much just an infection map.
Alright to start things off, not original at all. Very very old idea.Not that theres anything wrong with that but...Anyways, like youve already heard, mayeb get into interlocking, perhaps geomerging if needed. I would suggest thinking about what you want to make before-hand before you start, itll move things along and the end result will be a lot better than this. You also need to get more screenshots of the map, but from what I understand, its a square room and zombies break in through the windows....anyways, build maybe a good 5 more maps, and come back afterwards and we'll see the improvement.
hey i downloaded this and it is pretty fun,but I couldn't tell anything about it through your post,so next time you post a map,try putting a few more pictures and what weapons are in the map and try to interlock and merge a little more,but keep up the good work and I hope to see plenty of more maps from you in thr future
From the Pictures it looks nice and neat but in order to gather interest in the map you need more pictures, showing an overveiw of the map, zombie/human spawn points, points of interest etc. I'll give it a download and i'll edit later to tell you what I think
Try adding a few more pictures so we know what the map is about. And also so we can excpect what we should see in the map. Judging by the pictures because I can't download the map right now on account of going to school in 5 mins, the maps need to be interlocked. The floor on the first pictures should be interlocked. It makes the map look 100 times better, trust me. Good first post. You actually got pictures, thats a plus! 3/5 Zackj191
Thanks for adding pics. It looks like a decent map, but not anything FH hasn't seen before. It could use alot more interlocking from what the pics show.You should add more weapons for a map like this. Alot of people would say not too, to balance the game out, but with more powerful weapons it looks like it could be alot of fun.
Thanks for the feedback,I'll try to add some more screenshots in a second.I'll try interlocking next time to give it a more clean cut look.
Thank you for the extra pictures, i had no idea what the map was without those! Now i can tell that the zombie drops down on your from roof holes. Do the humans have 200% gravity?
Well when I come in too FH, I mainly look at the how the map looks. To me if the map looks well made with some care, I would figure the gameplay is nicely fiting and fun. So with that being siad, I think the map could use a lot more interlocking, with some well placed senery. Zombies drop in on the humans in a circle house seems cool but people have made the same theme before. other then that just another map posted on FH. 2.5/5.