This topic is for the results of RERT tests. Each post will be a test with the steps taken to determine the results and then the results. Rules Do not post here except with related data to a specific test. Set the reply title to indicate which test you are submitting data for. Example reply to Test 2 "Vehicle Respawn Times" Subject: "Re: Test #2: Vehicle Respawn Times" Message: "Your findings are incorrect. I performed 9 tests with vehicle respawn time set at 10, 20, and 30 seconds respectively (3 tests per change in respawn time), and each time I found the vehicle respawned in the allotted respawn time after it was first shot."
Test #1: VIP Spawning Question 1: Is there a way to reliably spawn the VIP in a specific place? Question 1-A: Is the VIP always the first to spawn (ie. will he/she always spawn at an initial spawn point)? - Answer: No - Procedures: In each test there were 8 players on red team and no other players in the room. When the game started and the VIP's position was recorded. 7 Respawn Points and 1 Initial Spawn Point were placed on the map in the following configuration: 12345678 1 = Initial Spawn Point 2-8 = Respawn Points - Tests: Count: 4; Approximate Time: 1:00 PM EST; Participants: Wakko45, RollingStone2, BetaWaffle, I RyaN58 I, TheYavimayan, Reap3r 13, AZN FTW, II SK8BUM II (Secretary) Test 1: VIP spawned at Initial Spawn Point 1. Test 2: VIP spawned at Respawn Point X. Test 3: VIP spawned at Initial Spawn Point 1. Test 4: VIP spawned at Respawn Point X. Note: This data has been confirmed by the participating secretary. _________________________________________________ Question 2: Is there a way to reliably respawn a VIP in a specific place?
Test #2: Vehicle Respawn Times Question 1: How long after a vehicle is blown up does it respawn? - Answer: Vehicles have a minimum respawn time of 20 seconds. It takes 20 seconds for a vehicle to disappear after it has been blown up. If the respawn time is set to 20 seconds or less, the vehicle will respawn instantly after that, otherwise it will spawn at the set time. - Procedures: The map is setup with 3 vehicles (warthogs) with respawn times of 10, 20, and 30 seconds respectively. In each test a vehicle is blown up and timed until it respawns. - Tests: Count: 3; Approximate Time: 2:44 PM EST; Participants: BetaWaffle (Secretary), Reap3r 13, RioT 17 Test 1: 10 second warthog disappeared after 20 seconds and spawned instantly afterwards. Test 2: 20 second warthog disappeared after 20 seconds and spawned instantly afterwards. Test 3: 30 second warthog disappeared after 20 seconds and spawned 10 seconds afterwards. - Data: Chart of vehicle respawn times based on findings: Set Respawn TimeTime Before DisapearTime After DisapearTotal Actual Respawn Time1020020202002030201030402020405020305060204060 Note: This data has been confirmed by the participating secretary.
Test #3: General Respawn Area Tests A Question 1: Which of the following affects the spawn area chosen for spawning: Is there an enemy X* units away from spawn area center? Is there an enemy X* units away from spawn area edge? Is there an enemy inside of spawn area? Other? * Is this a pre-defined value or related to another value?
First of all, change the title of your reply to "Re: Test #1: VIP Spawning". Second, post the correct data or corrections to given data (preferably in the same format). Do not create a new post, modify your current post. Edit: Oops, thought you said "incorrect". Fix the post subject anyway.
Test #3: Spawn Area Danger vs. Priority (I was only secretary, I don't really know what it was called....) Findings: Edit:Note: This was my 100th post. Yay!
Re: Test #3: Spawn Area Danger vs. Priority I have some corrections to make to the text in your image. Zone D is priority 1. Zone C & E are priority 2. Zone B & F are priority 3. Zone A & G are priority 4. A few of the interpretations seam flawed but, not having alternative explanations, they will have to do for now.
Test #4: FFA Slayer Respawning This is the offspring of Test #3. The results from Test #3 asked a lot more questions then I care to express with my sub-par writing skills. The following is a list of tests I wish to perform in order to obtain a better understanding of the spawn system (an understanding I thought I had). Each of these test will be performed multiple times, in multiple sessions. A. 2 Players, Open Field1 -- This test was done informally after the first session by me and Asper. B. 2 Players, Open Field, Long Respawns2 C. 2 Players, Close Quarters D. 2 Players, Close Quarters, Long Respawns E. 4 Players, Open3, Long Respawns F. 6-8 Players, Open, Long Respawns 1 This is the same map used in Test #3. 2 Long respawn times to determine if and how long it takes for a threat to go away. 3 This is not Open Field, it will be similar to Close Quarters but less close quarters.
Test #5: Team Slayer Respawning This is similar to Test #4 except it will be based on teams. Teams add other variables to the equation which is why these tests will come after the FFA tests. A. 2 vs 2 Players (Team), Open Field B. 2 vs 2 Players (Team), Open Field, Long Respawns C. 2 vs 2 Players (Team), Close Quarters D. 2 vs 2 Players (Team), Close Quarters, Long Respawns E. 4 vs 4 Players (Team), Open Field F. 4 vs 4 Players (Team), Open Field, Long Respawns G. 4 vs 4 Players (Team), Close Quarters H. 4 vs 4 Players (Team), Close Quarters, Long Respawns Note: Read Test #4 Footnotes
Test #6: Vehicle Damage These questions were asked by bkbillsfan. What vehicles do what damage during a splatter? What percent speed the vehicle must be moving for a kill; for a popped shield? How much damage it takes for their weapons to kill and pop shields? How many hits a vehicle can take from different weapons and other vehicles?
Test #7: 0% Damage Specifics Can a player with 0% damage throw damaging grenades? A: No Can he throw damaging trip mines, and power drains? Untested Can he melee people to death? A: No Can he kill by assassination? A: Yes Can he kill with sticky grenades or flame grenades? A: No Will his gravity hammer still bounce people away? A: Yes Can he kill with turrets or vehicle guns? A: No Can he kill with splatters? A: Yes Can he destroy fusion coils or vehicles with any of the above? Untested
Question 1: Does changing player speed affect the speed of driven vehicles? Question 2: Does changing player gravity affect the behavior of driven vehicles?
Question 1: does blocking off all but one side of an explosion channel the force? Question 2: can someone with 0 dmg blow up fusion coils and trip mines with his/her bullets?
Does changing player speed affect the speed of driven vehicles? A: No Does changing player gravity affect the behavior of driven vehicles? A: No Does blocking off all but one side of an explosion channel the force? Untested Can someone with 0% damage blow up fusion coils and trip mines with his/her bullets? A: No
I got mixed things on teh explosion one. when I put barriers around the 4 trip mines and ne on top to seal it {left one side open}, it seemed that the blast going out that one side went farther than normal. On another test, upward force was increased when made into a channel. all of the nmbers were tried 10 times and 7/10 were more, 3/10 stayed the same or less.
Question 2: I've tested it, and no, they won't be able to damage anything at all, except they can still assasinate.
Channeling Blasts I surrounded fusion coils with doors and places one on the bottom and top leaving one side open. I then stood on the other side of the doors and had my friend shoot the coils.I did die but it did channel the blast SOME. but not enough to matter
from Bungie Weekly Update: 3/07/08 A few weeks ago we pointed users to MLG’s first ever ESPN Halo 3 Top 10 and we were interested in Strongside’s creation of the Halo 3 Spawn Trap (it’s number two on the countdown and in Bungie Favorites right now [slot 14]), was the film an exposure of a bug? Multiplayer designer Tyson Green investigated and sent this info-heavy report back: “A clip of this film was graciously supplied to us, and we've determined that everything is operating By Design. What happens here is that Blue lost four players in the shotgun corner almost immediately prior to the spawn camp. This resulted in that corner having an extremely negative weight (-2000), ruling it out as a spawning area. Meanwhile, a red player was crossing the middle to grab the flag, ruling out those spawn points too (-1000, plus an additional penalty from his enemy bias, so probably -1100). Another red player was standing on top of their sniper tower, so those points are also off limits (-1000 to -1100). The following happens in rapid succession: 1. One blue player spawns in the spawn trap, and dies. Those points are now -500. 2. A second player spawns, but because all of the other points are -2000 or -1000, he spawns on the -500 points. He dies immediately. Those points are now -1000. 3. A third player spawns, but the -1000 points are STILL better than any other available points. However, because he's there, his teammate positive influence is bringing these points up to -900. 4. A fourth player spawns at a -900 point. The third player dies literally 2-3 frames later, followed by the fourth player. These points are now -2000. 5. A blue player spawns back in their base, where we'd expect him to. The cycle is broken. The dead teammate influences have a duration of 20 seconds, so they are starting to decay towards the end of this episode, and I expect spawning has returned to normal at this point. It's basically a perfect storm of Red dominating the Blue team. Note that on the default version of this map, the respawn zone is larger, and there are some backup points above the flag that likely would have come into play.â€