Legendary DLC Battleanch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by jakob hunter, Jan 25, 2009.


do you like this map and how much

  1. deserves a feature it is awesome!!! 25/10

  2. it is a really good map 8-9/10

  3. its alright 6-7/10

  4. its really not so good 3-4/10

  5. where you blindfolded when you made this piece of junk? 1-2/10

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Back story:
    Once a forrunner city a giant glacier fell and covered the whole thing. The tips of some of the buildings are still peaking out through the snow and some floating structers still stand right off the edge of the snow. Ancient artifacts have been descovered in the caves of this remote snowy valley and have drawn the covenent near to scavenge for supplies and power. But it seems before the covenent had come to the city a small unsc transport frigate crashed in the side of the frozen wall the survivors had set up base there but had not enough supplies to scout the area luckily the UNSC had found them and learned of the places artifacts so they set up a whole military operation on the snow. But they where not alone one day a covenent ship had dropped of a large battalion of troops to assault the base they had set up around some of the remains of the frigate that found there way in cave before it clapsed makeing it close to almost everything but a strong forrunner tunnel leading in. In the caves there was strange golden glowing floating platforms with strange markings on them the covies had found a way to use them as shields for there scarab. The covenent had put together a large scarab tank using scraps from forrunner buildings and UNSC frigate parts they had also created two smaller weaker ones as well. they then came out of there hiding and attacked the UNSC base with the scarabs they made one had been destroyed by a UNSC airstrike that had come inbounds. What happens next you decide!

    This map is basicly a map for team games of CTF, KOTH, Slayer, and territories. The is a differet map for each game since i used an unlimited budget glitched map and i hit the item limit so i couldnt make objective markers for each one on the same map im sorry though. The map consists of a bunch of main control points (it was originally made for territories and KOTH) such as the big scarab the crashed small scarab the small scarab the airstrike the caves and the two UNSC main base wings ( some more are there but are just small camps and loading stations). in capture the flag you can play it for multiple or one sided flag games. It works best in one sided and it is the attackers spawn at covenent bases and try to take the flag from the UNSC main base and get it to there base. In slayer it is vital to control either the big scarab or the airstrike they are the keys to success just be sure you have someone watching your back.

    The UNSC main base is the two main bases of avalanch put together using teleporters. the covenent main bases are the two mounds with small caves and man cannons by them combined by teleporters and the main cave. There is an easter egg hidden on the map but it is just a soccer ball and if you get it down you cn use it as movable cover. The airstrike box scarabs and crashed frigate blow up when you shoot them with explosives like tanks rockets lasers fuel rod cannons grenades and misselpods (not brute choppers and im not sure on brute shots).

    the key to success on this map when you are playing with 8-16 people is strategy. If you control the airstrike be sure you have someone guarding the teleporter that take you up there and be sure that your team controls all tanks and explosives otherwise its a floating deathtrap! same with the scarab. In capture the flag you should always go for the hornet and go to the flag the side away from the airstrike and scarab then go through the teleporter. in territories have someone protecting each territory on the side away from the airstrike if you controll the airstrike and have only the airstrike keep an eye on the territories on his side because he has one hit kills! just be sure to give him a body gaurd to watch his back. in KOTH it is wise to keep someone in the airstrike to clear the hill for you when its on that side. Also it would be good to stay in a hornet or banshee and have a scorpion to aid you at all times!

    Weapons and veichles:

    Beam rifle x2

    Battle rifle x?

    Assault rifle x?

    Sniper rifle x2

    rocket launcher x3

    spartan laser x1

    sentinal beam x2

    fuel rod cannon x3

    needler x?

    plasma pistol x?

    plasma rifle x0 because you cant place the dang thing on avalanch :(

    shotgun x2

    brute shot x2

    spikers x2

    SMG x2

    sword x1

    grav hammer x1

    anything i missed im sorry

    warthog x4

    prowler x2

    chopper x3

    ghost x2

    wraith x2

    scorpion x2

    mongoose x1

    banshee x4

    hornet x2

    scarab x3

    airstrike x1

    anything i mist im sorry

    i dont remember what equipment i put on im sorry


    And now the moment you have all been waiting for!!!! oh wait you where waiting for pics well right now im going to explane how i made the airstrike and scarab guns but i can put some pics in to it if you really want.

    OK first i took a box float on another box way up in the air then i set it so it doesnt spawn till 30 sec into the next round then i put a two way nod inside it then some fusion coils then a rocket launcher missel pod and custom power up then once the box spawns i deleted the bottom box and set it so it spawns from the start and wha la you got it!!! but for it to work i made it so the custom power up must always give the person infinite ammo and instant kills and move slow. and i did basicly the same with the scarab so yah and here it is [​IMG]
    and the scarab

    Now for the rest of the pics!!!

    The big scarab!!
    It blows up!!! (not copied from the other scarab map i though of this before i saw that map)
    the back of the big scarab
    Mini scarab
    Crashed mini scarab
    over shields
    Sword hut
    Cool cieling
    Crashed frigate (things shoot of of it every so many seconds) see the soccer ball?
    In the caves

    scorpion station
    The tele to the airstrike (is through the door in the above pic)

    Small covie outpost
    The airstirke explodes!!!
    covie sentry station to guard the caves (that where the wraith really spawns)

    Hanging rocket launcher and hornet refuel station

    The crashed frigates pieces and forunner structures all over the map #1
    And #3

    Game traits for this map

    custom power up traits are the only things you need to mess with.

    duriration-15 sec

    Damage- instant kill

    infinate ammo -most important

    speed 25%

    gravity 200%

    color- anything

    Having fun!! 100%

    Here are the Three versions of the map:

    CTF Battleanch this map was never baroken i was just dumb with the gametype settings lol




    Want this map featured click HERE
    please if you are going to critisize it do it in a constructive manner and read the whole thing before posting about the thread and play it with 8-16 players before giving it a bad rating THANK YOU!!!!!
    Transmission Over........
    #1 jakob hunter, Jan 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is kinda wut u call useless geomerging. some of those boxes, even though they look really cool, have no reason to be merged or placed there. like the one by sniper. ask urself if it actually improves gameplay or if its a waste of time that u could b using to improve your map. anyways, i like the effort u put into it and im gonna download and see how the gameplay is. always matters on how it plays.
  3. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    well i geomerged them to make it look like they re partway in the snow
  4. GaMe_GuRu

    GaMe_GuRu Ancient
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    I like how you geomerged it to make it look like its all been there a while. And I believe it would create better gameplay. ( more places to hide) 4/5
  5. Painkiller

    Painkiller Ancient
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    This is an ok map for casual, but I gotta say the name is pretty cheesy. Stick with it, I think you tried a little too hard trying to make it look aesthetic though.
  6. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    Pretty good! It looks like fun with a big party and stuff! But I encourage you to make a V2. Just to really get it in PERFECT order: Maybe add some little thing to the little scarab to make it look meatier (Thicker).
    4/5 for all the effort and geo-merging.
    Keep it up!
  7. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    You just skip to the pictures, don't you? Some maps have an asthetic background. These are peices of rubble and not pointless boxes!
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    yes i was trying to do that but i didnt have enough supplies on me so i decided that it is supposed to be more armored frmom the top to give cover from airstrikes but thank you.
  9. Fatal VengenceX

    Fatal VengenceX Ancient
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    Awsome map I remember playing this with you I love the big scarab and how it acts like its blowing up when you shoot it, and I like the geo-merged boxes into the ground it makes it more realistic this would be awsome in BTB.
  10. Mitchifision

    Mitchifision Ancient
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  11. Number 117

    Number 117 Ancient
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    50 bucks says this map will get featured.
  12. Pomegranate17

    Pomegranate17 Ancient
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    its a creative map with a nice background and story 3/5
  13. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    Ill take that bet, No im just kidding but i thank you all for your posts and complements i am trying to get this map featured. There isnt much i can do for a v2 since im out of objects. I really wish i wasnt though if any of you know how to cheat the item limit could you tell me it would be a HUGE help for the v2 if i made one.
  14. Pomegrenade

    Pomegrenade Ancient
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    ok first off i hate when people do this and u will also receive an infraction from a moderator soon probably

    on to the map, this looks like a real battle field and crash site with the scarabs(neatly put togther and they will amke for fun gameplay) and the geomerged boxes; this looks like itd be good for any game type especially infection crazy king and snipers; lastly the soccer ball canon waas a cool idea lol
  15. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    the one on top of the crashed frigate?
  16. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    This map is AWESOME in the sense of aestheticness. The big scarab actually almost gives you the same feel as fighting a real live one. The crashed scarab made me lol. I'm not all that sure that this is a competitive map because the sides are not really taken in consideration of eachother, but it is definitley one of my new favorite casual maps. I've downloaded, and I would download it it m any more times if I could just for the aesthetics. Interesting map, without a doubt.
  17. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    well actually i made it mainly for competative big team battles which it actually works really well with but i wanted to add lots of good asthetics to prove that a map can be really fun to play on and have awesome asthetics for gazing at although the asthetics fit into gameplay aswell so it is pretty good in both ways.
  18. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The CTF version of this map actually worked all along but the gametype i used messed it up sorry about that

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