Map Title: Grave Danger Map the size of nearly half of Foundry. Not for serious competitive games, but for fun between two teams. Download Map Download Gametype Description: Weapons: Everything but Spikers and SMGs. Have Fun. A map that takes up nearly half of Foundry. It is covered with multiple tombstones, in front of which are pallets. Destroying these pallets gives way to secret underground catacombs. Another entrance is below the walkway to the graveyard. One side of the map holds a church, and the other a base with a trap in front of it. The church is flooded, and a hidden teleporter connects it to the catacomb tunnels. The teleporter is two-way, and is found in front of the radar jammer in the tunnels. Crouching may be necessary to get through. Plenty of merging, no geo-merging, inescapable. Gametype: Two-team slayer with SMG start. This helps to add value to the Assault Rifle. Score goes up to 50, but that can be altered for shorter games. P.S.:Apologies for the first thread. This is my first time on forgehub, and the pics were working when I loaded them up the first time.
First off WeLcome To FOrgehUb!!!!! from the pictures i am seeing this map is pretty well forged. a few more pictures would have been nice but other then that the map looks good not sure what the gametype is it that would have been nice to hear about in the description Good work hope to see mpre maps from you 4/5
i think that you took a part of another my my friend has made Jester posted this map a while back correct me if i am wrong the gates same place/ same side of map/ sma eplace where tunnels open too and to base SO CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG DID U STEAL HIS MAP MADE A DIFF STYLE???? LOVE THE FLOOR and the chruch seems nice i will dl but what is the back 4 so many walls?
I know what map you are talking about and it seems like it, but i my self dont think that it is stolen (lets hope). If it is not, then the map is great. Iv siad before i love vents/tunnles and the senery looks well placed. 4/5!
well this is interesting but there mite be a chance that they are the same but you cant say that he did because both posts lack pictures and there are altercations to this map to the other so i wouldnt go pointing fingers
I did not steal your friend's map, I created this one from scratch after working on it on and off for several months. It took me awhile to put it online after I lost XBL, but I finally got it up. And, once again, for clarification, I made this map from an empty infinite money canvas that I created myself. Not one object is in the same exact place as that map your friend created. I apologize for any confusion.
i am sorry that you for clearing that up nice map i dl i will check out nice job on the floor best part i thing and could use some pics inside church
well its good that we got all of that sorted out and i am also dl for tom. or friday and ill let u no on how the gameplay goes and to see if the map is unescapeable
i don't care if it IS stolen, this map looks nice. gameplay looks intriguing, aesthetics are (by the third pic) awesome, and is worth 4.5/5 on the ol' trusty FH-mometer. [...TOTALLY made that up 5 secs ago ]
Infection type? i have noticed the gamplay looks more slayer oriented, my question is, Do you have an infection variant? this looks like it would make an awsome machinima, by haveing stereotypical zombies in a graveyard, provided that there is an infection variant where zombies spawn underground, do you have said variant, i would love to see it and play it, i'm suprised it wasnt infection from the start! anyways good map, from the pictures it looks like (slayerwise) that someone could camp under the graves in wait, 4.5678 or rounded up, 4.6, please make an infecrion variant.
Looks like a pretty good map, I might DL when I free up some hard drive space. I also agree that this map would be really cool for an infection variant, other than that the map looks pretty smooth. I really like the graveyard, and the Pallets leading to the catacombs when broken. Keep on Forging. 4/5
This is a very well build map and has great interlocking and merging and great gameplay but you need to have a weapons list telling what weapons are in the map and what game types the map can be playable on. This is me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes this does look alot similar to the one "Graveyard" map, but this one does have a bit more uniqueness. The floor is really well interlocked, and I like how you put hidden weapons under the tunnel floors. You should add a closer pic of the church though, it looks pretty cool. Overall great map!
the infection variant went with the other grave yard map a while back...this one looks exactly the same and it looks like evrything is in the same place.. but if you want the infection version, download that other graveyard map from bungie or if it was posted here... i like how there is that back base added too.
great job on a first map and same with the interlocking, but next time use more geomerging, my first map used interlocking and geomerging as its best use and it turned out wonderfull for a first map, i think its better then alot of other not first maps out there, so if u work on ur skillz i think u will do great (i tried to word that in a way of not bragging) haha great job on the first post and please add more pics
I actually think this map is very very good.Looks well made, plenty of interlocking. I have seen this idea before so as for originality id give you a 4/5. Anyways I love the idea of only using 1/2 of foundry. There are a couple of small things you might want to fix, such as in the 2nd picture, you might want to interlock the bridge right in the center so you cant see the edges.
Hey whats up newbie (me too) I'm still getting the hang of things too. The map however is outstanding. I love the tunnels. nice interlocking and design. I loved playing this with my friends.
Thanks for the great comments! I may try making an infection variant later, if I can free up item space... Also, I would have used geo-merging, but I am not very good at it. I know almost every way to do it, but I just don't like taking so much time. Also, this is not my first map. Check out Colosseum in my fileshare for my first.
I see what you did thar. "Grave." Heh. Heh. Anyway, looks like a very nice map, I like the lights on the gate. I'll DL and check it out.
I like the looks of it, and the idea of secret passages under the level, and looks like a nice FFA to play with your friend, I'll DL and check it out.