Eh we pass lol That was pretty funny and the part where they leave him in the bubble shield was pretty funny too lol "What if he runs out of air?"
''I knew you liked me'' lul Does anyone know if they're ever going back to doing just Red vs Blue? Couldn't say I cared much for their other series...
i thought the entire thing was hilarious but there are a ton of references to past episodes that unless yopu are a die-hard fan you wouldn't get.
I think they have to. You remember in the last few episodes of reconstruction how they were messing with the computers and they got a message from some outpost? It was Tucker, and he said somthing like "We found it, we found it, it was burried under the sand..." Then it goes to static. I think thats going to be Red vs blue Reconstruction season two.
I'd like to know what the hell happened to Tucker. There was a tiny cameo in Reconstruction... but he was a good character... wtf???