Laser Hallway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by WMcr8, Aug 5, 2008.

  1. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Looks like my Target Practice except instead of snipers you have gauss hogs... yeah the stairs trick is pretty sweet on this map... Anyway i'll download and check it out. Keep up the good forging!
  2. TripleO8

    TripleO8 Ancient
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    This is a preetty cool idea, i think it might be like uneven sides, where one team might have more difficulty then the other, but the idea of lazers through the stairs is pretty freaking awsome. Good job thinking of that one up. Veryy good job DL from me sir. 5/5
  3. ImWithStupid

    ImWithStupid Ancient
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    I never knew gauss hogs could shoot through stairs. This could open up a whole world of possibilities for minigames! I'm surprised no one's found this out/thought of this idea until now. Looks original, and most importantly, fun. I'll definately give this a try.
  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Neat and original. The only problem I see is that it seems to be just luck if you kill somebody. The other thing is you should lock the warthogs in place by using a and b signs, barriers, or windowpanels. I could see some people deciding to just goof around and not take it seriously in the back room if they can just drive around over each other. idk, just my thoughts.
  5. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    hey if you wanna mess around im not gonna stop you ur still stuck in the room, and there is a bit of skill involved with hitting people with the gauss shots aim below the way point and adjust from there
  6. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    Wow! This is actually very original and looks like alot of fun. The name sounded like a nooby map, but boy was I in for a surprise! I like the idea of the blind shooting. One thing that might be cool is to make it for bombs, so that when the bomb blows up, it could cause a chain reaction and kill the defenders! 5/5
  7. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    It looks awsome and it is definitly going to get a download from me but I have an idea of if you were to make a v2. Have one of the shooters spawn in like a viewing room where they can't die (custom powerup) and they can tell the people who are shooting where the people trying to score the flag are. Sorry about the long sentance. Just an idea and if you dont mind could I use your idea in one of my maps.
  8. Banana Peel

    Banana Peel Ancient
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    bravo dude, that is pretty freaking original. I like how you did it and it looks really fun im gonna download as soon as possible. Keep coming up with good ideas
  9. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Nobody post this has been necro posted and the person that necrod it will get an infraction so as of now nobody post in this thread
  10. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Looks nice, but there's a problem:

    The people in the Gauss Hogs won't have any fun if they shoot randomly. Try interlocking the two staircases into the walls and placing a shield door right above them so they can see where they shoot.

    And if I were you, I'd try making the people a little slower and die in 2/3 hits. Other than that, this map has awesome potential.
  11. cakeChart

    cakeChart Ancient
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    This looks amazing, but if I download I'll be wasting space cause I have no halo friends to play this with. The concept is great, so I give you props on the originality.
  12. A Badger Ferret

    A Badger Ferret Ancient
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    For an infection version you should put a teleporter where the flag is. The zombies spawn in the hallway. The humans are with the warthogs. The zombies get a custom power up so they die with 3 shots of the warthog before they get to teleporter so they dont die in one shot. The humans die with one hit with a sword. Anyway I love the game it is very fun with lots of people. I hope you use my ideas if you make an infection gametype for this. I'll help you or make it myself if you will let me.
  13. WMcr8

    WMcr8 Ancient
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    thats not a bad idea the zombies would have to be pretty slow though cause its hard to hit people with those shots no matter what
  14. liphttam1

    liphttam1 Ancient
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    DARN!! I made this (somthing exactly like this) but all my friends hated it. Should of put it on forge hubl
  15. BboyLeon

    BboyLeon Ancient
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    yeah... right.

    Anyway this map deserves a better name.. and I THINK this was bumped from August...

    regardless... it is an awesome idea.
  16. Iv BuCkEtHeAd vI

    Senior Member

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    haha dude thats genius!

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