Flower is an upcoming PlayStation 3 game to be released on the PlayStation Network. The game is being developed by ThatGameCompany2007 and was announced at the Tokyo Game Show.[3] It is currently scheduled for release in Europe[2] and North America[1] on 12 February 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaarlDOnKyk&feature=related Each level takes place in a different flower's dream as it sits on the windowsill of a dull city apartment. As the player progresses through the game, the apartment and city will gradually become more vibrant and colourful. The player guides a petal through brightly coloured, abstract fields by tilting the motion-sensitive controller, pressing any button on the controller gives a speed boost. The aim is to guide the petal into other flowers in the field, triggering an explosion of colour that spreads through the game world.[4] Wiki Copy Pasta! This has got to be one of the, if not THE stupidest idea for a game I have ever seen. I like to consider myself open to different types of games, but I'm really scratching my head over how the developers thought this was a good idea business-wise.
It's an indie, fun, and slightly strange game. It's not got a huge budget, and at least the developers are trying to have some fun and do something different.
60$? Thats insane. I would maybe dish out 800 microsft points for somthing like this on xbox live. It does sound like it might be fun for a little while, but the price is just way to high.
I'd like the games bow man more than this retarded idea lol ;] or at least something with thought not damn flowers .
It's scheduled to be a full release game. It's not going to be downloadable, form what I've heard and seen.
Well, seeing as how that was written today, I didn't know that and nobody hinted at it not being $60. That makes it more acceptable, although I still think it is a very dumb idea for a game.