Hey guys I was just wondering if any of the uber-1337-clever-forge-dudes can work out how to choose where the VIP spawns, say on the other side of the map to his team? Maybe some logical killing system that predicts the next VIP? Any help at all will be credited in my upcoming map
im not too sure, but if u get a group together of 6 or summmit, I think the host of the party is likely to becdome the VIP. I was playin with a group of people yesturday on tm hardcore and the host of the group kept sayin "its always me who starts as VIP" and he was correct. So try gettin a group together and see what happens - hope this helps with identifying who the VIP is but in terms of spawnin him/her see if theres like a priority settin or summit.
vips normally spawn at the start location of the team he or shes in at the beginning but it can be sync with team aswwel so the mogority of the team will probably be were the vip spawns
no there is not a way to make the VIP spawn in one place. and The search button is there for a reason. There's at least one person who asks this a week maybe even daily.
In the gametype settings you can change it. It has nothing to do with host, i think with VIP its random though.
You can change what? I know it chooses randomly, I'm just wondering if there is a way, even if invloves killing some players at the start of the game, to make the VIP spawn where you want him.
VIP spawns as of yet are impossible to predict/organise. This really ticks me off as if you could then you could have a kind of resuce mission going as in the other team has your VIP and you have to break him out and escort him to "evac". Maybe we should e-mail a petition to bungie or something? It cant be too hard for them to add VIP spawns into the next auto update can it? Even if it isnt they can put it in for their next game
Maybe it would be possible to implement something in the game settings that would be favorable for a team to kill their VIP or have him betray himself and the first respawn point would be his?